Has anyone dealt with a situation where a compounded medicine didn’t have the correct amount of doses?
I purchased misoprostol from my vet which was supposed to be 60 doses. The container was out after only 40. The barn worker was giving it to my horse but I had watched him do it several times and can attest that he was doing it correctly. (If some had spilled or he was giving more than needed, I wouldn’t have expected being exactly 20 doses short).
I got a new container from the vet and this time weighed the contents. This one only had 45 doses. When I notified the vet’s office and shared photos of the scale, their response was “Sorry you feel this way. We trust our pharmacy. We can price out ordering tablets instead” (the tablets btw would cost over $1300, 13x as much as the powder).
Am I wrong to be annoyed by this? These aren’t “feelings”–these are facts. The label says 60 doses–that’s not what I’ve been getting.
This is a vet that I only recently started working with but in the past month, I’ve spent nearly $4000 on vet bills between 3 horses (which I’ve paid promptly with every invoice I might add), so I’m a little miffed to say the least that they wouldn’t try to remedy this situation by either giving me a partial refund for the first batch or reduced price on a new one.
I checked with another client who’s also on miso from the same vet and her container appears to have more than 60 doses so there definitely seems to be some variance.
Anyone else been in this situation?