'Need an alias' on one of my computers when I log into the forum... but I have this one (and it works on my other computer)?

I have two computers. On one (the one I’m posting from), everything is fine. I can log into my COTH account on the other one, can see in my profile that I have my alias (puzzle), but when I go to the forums, it says I need to create an alias. This has been going on for a while and happens in both Chrome and IE. What do I do about this?

IIRC, this was a thing after the move to the new board and required something on the back end, so…paging @Moderator 1 for you :slight_smile:

But something to try now–have you cleared cookies and cache in the browsers that are giving you that error?

I agree with Simkie, that a first step would be to clear your cookies and cache on the problematic computer.

You have this problem when you use your email address or your username, along with your password to sign in?

If so, and clearing cookies doesn’t help, we can unlink your accounts on the back end to give you a clean slate to re-link them and hopefully un-gum the works.


Hi Moderator 1 (and Simkie!). I made sure to empty cookies and cache - no dice. My apologies for the slow reply, I only an on this computer occasionally. Could we try the unlink option to address this? Thanks for your time and help.