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Need hay in Michigan


my hay just told me (after stringing me along all year) that he has NO hay due to rain :mad:

It doesnt make any sense because there are people with barns full of beautiful hay!

does anyone know of hay in Michigan?

Haven’t been on this particular forum in a while and just saw your post. Are you still looking for hay, Jumpin? If so, where are you located? I am close to East Lansing and have had no trouble finding hay. I have a friend out in Lapeer who said the same thing. PM me so that I get your email if you are still looking and I can send you the phone number of some hay guys out my way.

I make my own hay in southern mi. We have had a great year for pasture due to rain and cooler temps,but not a great year for making hay. Our first cut was good, but we needed it and are keeping it. We lost our second cutting as it was too cool, wet, and it was rained on. It just did not dry…our third cut, we did get it, but it will have bad spots in it. Again, we had col days and nights, and it just did not dry well. Making hay is a pain. I think prices will stay high this winter because although the hay grew well, we had few windows to get it in. Try to find and buy it now, some farmers had better luck than us. Good luck!

If you are in southern mi, pm me…I know of locals that have good hay for sale right now. It’s out there, we just had poor timing this year.
