I have a 15 yo QH mare I got as an auction rescue. I don’t know a whole lot about her riding background except that she was a working cowhorse, and has done some team penning and barrels. That’s basically it. I would like to begin working with her some–starting with groundwork-- but I’m not sure what to do for a bit. My own background is dressage and I’ve hardly ridden western at all and don’t know much about the different types of bits, and I have no info on what she used to be ridden in.
What would be the best bit to start her out in? I aim to start with lungeline work and go from there… eventually she will hopefully be a trail horse, so I don’t have any real restrictions on what I use… I just want to find something that works for her. My general bitting philosophy is pretty much to use the mildest possible one that will do the job for any given horse, but as I said, I’m really out of my element with the western assortment of bits.
I’m also making the assumption that since she has only ever been ridden western, she is going to only know to neck rein, not direct. otherwise I’d probably just try to put her in a snaffle and see how that went.
I guess the dilemma is this: I know I have a horse who is more seasoned and educated than I am myself – so I want to strike a balance with the bit. I don’t want to use something that I’m not able to handle properly, and cause her any pain or discomfort in the process.
I have thought about going the bitless route, but as some may know from another thread, I have issues with her being headshy and am looking at starting her work in a halter-bridle to get around her ear issues. I simply can’t imagine being able to get anything on if it has to be slipped over her ears. not at this point anyway.
Any thoughts?