I posted a thread and when I tried opening up the notification for it, I received this message. I’ve also gotten this message a few times when I was trying to open other notifications. The system might let me check 3 notifications and then it won’t let me check the forth. Should I do sometime differently? Please let me know. Thanks!
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The post that generated the notification was deleted. Because it no longer exists, you can’t access it.
Maybe it was spam, maybe it was a genuine reply but the poster decided to delete, maybe it was inappropriate and the moderator deleted. But it’s not there anymore, so it generates that error.
I was the poster and it wasn’t deleted. I went back into it, just not through the notifications. This has happened at times when I was the original poster or when the post was originated by someone else. Strange! Thanks though.
So the notification was that someone liked your post?
That person might have unliked your post.
I’m not sure what the notification was. Just happen to get those on my and others’ posts and the notification won’t let me open it. When I go to my posts via the forums, I’m able to open them. Just strange and didn’t know if anyone else was having a problem. Thanks!
Notifications say:
1 user liked your post at <thread>
<username> quoted your post at <thread>
<username> mentioned you in <thread>
<username> made a post on your subscription <thread>
Have I forgotten any?
In those last three, the notification link goes to the new post. The link does not go to the top post in the thread. If the post that generated the notification is gone, you get the error screen.
The only notification that’s generated that directs to YOUR post is the like one. Perhaps if the user unlikes your post after the notification is generated, the link breaks. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the error screen for a like notification. In every other instance, the post (a post quoting you, or a post mentioning you, or a new post in a subscribed thread) has poofed so the link in the notification has nothing to direct to.
Unless you’re talking about a like notification, it doesn’t matter if YOUR post is there or not. The notification has nothing to do with your post. It’s telling you something else about a new post on the thread.
Make sense?