Need some help with my pole bending

For any of you who do barrels/poles, I need some help with my pole bending. So a couple of days ago I got the poles out and was doing some pole work. My mare’s weaving is fine, her first turn is fine, along with her third, but her second turn (the turn taking you back up the poles) is crap. After our initial turn (on the second turn) she bends her neck like when we’re doing flexing and keeps turning in small circles next to the pole and it takes forever to get her out of it after she starts. Any tips to get her quit doing this in general?
And no she’s no anticipating the turn, asked someone for advice and she thought that my mare was anticipating the turn, but I just fixed that, and I know what that feels like.

Can you post a video? Hard to guess what may be going on, without seeing it.

What are YOU doing with your body when you ask for that turn?

How old is your mare? How long have you been doing pole bending with her?

Post a video so we can see what she’s doing? Agree with beau, it’s difficult if we don’t know what’s going on :slight_smile: