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Neighbor Problem with Dog

In the dog competitions I compete in, we are often using ‘public’ facilities such as schools, businesses or, in one case, hospital. One of our top rules for competitors… pick up after your dog and no peeing on man-made objects. To me that would include those leaf bags but also mailbox posts, parking lot lighting, etc.

My pet peeve in my neighborhood is we have put up a few of those poop stations but there are still people (don’t know who or how many) who let their large dog crap all over the sidewalk so I get to dodge it in my wheelchair. Not next to the sidewalk, on the sidewalk. :rage:


I stop my dog from peeing on anything except the p-mail posts the railway line and the back-yard. Not the right thing to do is the spreading, spraying of composted human waste on fields then planted with food crops.
That puts things in perspective for me.
Dogs pooping on the sidewalk is a people problem, not the dog’s, but it’s easy to blame the dog.


I mentioned the issue to the head of our HOA and she sent out a notice to all owners to not allow their dogs to defecate on others property. Let’s see if that does anything. I sit right in front of a window facing the street so I see everyone who goes by. It’s not just the lawn, it’s my hydrangeas, azaleas, and lilacs that he’s peeing on.

We have a neighbor who actually looks the other way as her dog, unleashed, saunters over and poops in our yard or those of our neighbors. I sit in my office, watch it happen and seethe.

So one day last summer I picked up her dog’s poop (with a bag over my hand, ew) walked across the street and tossed it onto her yard. I thought for sure she’d want her poop back.

The next time I saw her, she was standing on her porch, hands on hips, glaring at me. I smiled and waved. I haven’t seen her dog poop in my yard since.

So maybe try returning the poop to sender? :joy:


We occasionally get HOA notices about picking up after dogs. I once heard someone say that when her neighbor did this habitually, she realized the schedule and then ran out with a bag and said something like, “Oh you must be out of bags!
Good think I have one here.” I think that’s fairly polite.
The leash law is a tough one if it isn’t enforced.
I think you’re generally safe if you go by the letting them pee on natural things (like a tree), but not manmade things. We did have a neighbor that didn’t want dogs peeing in yards or curbs at all. Honestly I never knew who it was because it was in HOA emails, but that was pretty a pretty tough request to comply with.

I saw something recently where an entire neighborhood teamed up on the one dog poo offender.

They collected every dog turd in the neighborhood and immediate vicinity and dumped it all on the offender’s lawn. Point taken and the problem ceased abruptly.