Nephroptosis, or "Floating Kidney," anyone?

So, instead of dinner or a party on my birthday, I opted to have what I thought at the time was appendicitis, or an ovarian cyst. Boy, was I ever surprised to hear at the ultrasound that a roving kidney was the most likely culprit! The pain would have been the blood flow and ureter being cut off until it thankfully went back into place.

Anyone else have any experience? There’s really not much information available, and the surgical options don’t sound super successful. Interesting to note that old research felt horseback riding was a contributor, although that has now been debunked. Maybe you really can do too much trot work! :lol:

My mother had a floating kidney. It was removed when she was in her mid thirties. I don’t know if it caused her any problems prior to that, but I “killed” it when she was pregnant with me by lying on it ( I was breech and in an odd position). She is now 78 and has not had any issues without if for over 40 years. Her dr keeps a close eye on her kidney function but I tend to forget she only has one. I would hope it wouldn’t cause you too many problems. Maybe that one time was a fluke. My mother had 3 kids before me and it didn’t cause her any issues during any of those pregnancies.

It’s great to hear that your mother has done so well, DarkenStormy! It’s funny, when I was reading about it, I was expecting to see that previous pregnancies were a common factor - in my mind, if all of the stretching and kicking during pregnancy doesn’t contribute, what would? So, I was surprised that it wasn’t mentioned… In fact, I read that usually they’re not a problem during pregnancy because the slow growth of the uterus usually shoves it back into place! I’ve had four little ones, so I guess it’s natural my mind went in that direction.

From what I’ve read, being female and slender are the most common risk factors. That’s great - I start eating super healthy, and riding to get back into good shape, and it bites me in the arse! :lol:

I like your suggestion that maybe it was a one time thing. I’ll aim for that! :yes:

I had an ultrasound on Thurs and was diagnosed with this just this week!
They say the horseback riding connection is thought to be an old wives tale…but…???