Good on you @BoyleHeightsKid! Chester is still here daily too. And he has not been in a single fight since he lost his fuzzy nuggets. Sad he had to lose sight in an eye because his “owner” thinks it’s unnatural to neuter. I see her occasionally walking up the road calling him and he hides lol. And this is the same cat that runs alongside my truck when I pull in or out. I love the description someone said up thread. That dogs will stay in a crappy home but cats will upgrade.
I just pulled up a photo on another thread by doing a long press on the photo to get a set of options that popped up. I picked one that seemed logical (don’t remember which one—sorry) which brought up the photo in a new window. When I went back to the thread the photo was imbedded. Naturally I came right over here to see if I could view cute kitten photos and, voila, I can. YMMV.
Might be worth a try now. I think I might have done this in the last few days with less-rewarding results. I’m on using Safari on an iPhone with the latest iOS FWIW.
I finally got up the courage to ignore the dangerous site warning and tell it to continue when I tried to open a picture in a new tab. All pictures are now back in place and visible, even on threads not this one.
Rats. I need a kitten fix. I guess I will have to wait and hope that my internet at home is working. It has been off and on for awhile now and I am cheating and using my work connection. It says “doesn’t adhere to security standards” and no options. sigh.
If you are ever bored, or feel like your life could use a bit of drama or spice… foster kittens or start to TnR a big colony.
I had planned on taking pics last night for Daisy’s litter’s 5 week birthday. My contact at the rescue was coming over to trap 2 cats from the colony since she had 2 open reservations at the fix-clinic, and bring over a big playpen so the older litter (Daisy’s) could get a space upgrade.
She traps 2 cats, one who has been VERY elusive but we really wanted to trap her since we suspected she might be pregnant. High-fives all around for that. I go out to dinner w/ DH and enjoy a well earned beer. After dinner I go and do night check on the mamas in the garage and I hear an unusual meow from outside.
Even though photos are wonky right now, I’m including a really horribly drawn map to try to illustrate this a little better. Essentially I have a neighbor who feeds the cats by the storm drain which is in the parking lot bordering a low-rent shopping plaza, and I feed at my side yard which shares a wall with the senior living trailer park.
I have 4 ‘regular’ colony cats who I call the greyjoys. 4 matching steel grey kitties who show up to my sideyard feeding station like clockwork at 8am and 6pm. They know they get the leftover canned food that the mamas & babies don’t eat, so we are all quite used to each other. 2 are VERY vocal, but this was a tiny chirp cry, not one of the greyjoys.
Its good and dark so I flip on the side light and open the side door and see the dirtiest little ginger kitten scamper away from the food bowl. I close the door and try to follow him - he’s small, and one eye looks swollen shut. He is trying to pair up with or hide behind one of the outdoor cats, but they keep swatting him away. He runs under the neighbor’s gate into their side yard - so I open it and shove their trashcans aside to try to grab him (sorry neighbor!) but he scurries back tot he driveway.
I grab a can of food an pour it in a bowl and bring a hand towel to snatch this sad little booger. By old pals the greyjoys kitties get excited and start to run to me and the food. Dirty orange fluff comes back out of the shrubs. He’s SO hungry, he sees the big cats not being afraid of me so he comes over. I snatch him up and hold the bowl of food as I carry him so he can keep eating. He’s too tired to even struggle.
Its past 10pm by now. I put him in a mid-size carrier with food, water and kibble and a tiny litter box. His cries are setting off the mama cats. Daisy looks at me like “that’s a baby!! I need to help it!” but there is no way I am letting him interact with the litters. He is eating the canned food with gusto, and looks to be maybe 7 weeks old. He will be OK by himself overnight. His left eye looks bad, but I’m too tired to try to clean it - I want to give him some time to settle in and I need to decide what to do with him. I text the rescue and we formulate a plan.
Welcome Sailor Jerry to the foster home!! When I get home from work today I’ll start cleaning and treating that eye.
It looked a little better this morning, so I am hopeful it will heal with home treatment. I will move Daisy and her family to the big playpen and Jerry will go into their cage (after thorough cleaning of course). Then I’ll just work on getting him healthy, clean and socialized.
I finally got to sleep and dreamed of more kittens popping out of the bushes. I got a text this morning from the rescue saying that the pretty little elusive cat we trapped last night had a litter of kittens A WEEK AGO. we were too late
They are going to rush her back from the vet ASAP so she can get back to her babies, wherever they are. Such a bummer that we did not prevent this - we just don’t have the time & resources to trap the whole colony, and she was HARD to trap. Unless I can find her nest, we will have more dirty and sick babies like Sailor Jerrys running around dodging cars and hiding in the bushes in about 5 weeks.
I didn’t get the 5 week old photos.
Jingle for Sailor Jerry, and Jingle that I can find that other litter
Wow!!! Just when you thought your kittens are about to be weaned, here comes another one! You are truly a cat angel. Thank you for taking them in and helping them.
I live in a rural area and there used to be a feral cat colony in the area. I have five cats and four of them are strays that just showed up at my place (some were more feral than others). I think the colony has pretty much died out or moved somewhere else because I have barely seen any stray or feral cats in the past couple of years. But now I’ve jinxed myself and tonight I’ll probably come home to 2 kittens or a pregnant mama cat on my porch.
Two new ones have been showing up at my barn - it started with a young Tom that I think is one of Hammie’s litter-mates, but tonight he brought a little grey with him. She was really hungry. Hoping she hasn’t got kittens. Both are totally feral - I will have to trap them, I think.
When I try to open pictures in a new tab the warning tells me that another site is impersonating the picture tab to steal personal or financial information.
Sailor Jerry is doing great! His eye is 95% better. He is playing with toys in his cage and no longer cowers from me when I go to pick him up. As much as I would love to let him play with the other kittens, I am worried about contagious viruses. They fact that his eye cleared up so quickly is really reassuring that he is a healthy boy, but I am erring on the side of caution.
All of babies are getting super mobile and love to demonstrate their zoomies and climbing abilities. I need to get a bigger, higher-sided box to put them in while I clean out the kennels since they can now hop out of my initial holding box. I spent lots of quality kitten time with them in the living room with them running wild, bouncing and crab-walking around. The mamas are nursing them less and less as they get more independent so their spay surgeries are on the horizon.
I saw grey & white patched mama just once. She came over to my feeding station, so I went outside to follow her, but lost her so no progress on that front. I just keep leaving food out and hope she is doing ok.
I love babies at that stage. They are so fun them and their little Charlie Brown Christmas tree tails. I wish they could stay that age forever. I could watch them for ages. How can anyone be angry or sad watching little kittens zipping around with their antics? You need kitten cam…really you do…really (hint hint)