New Budweiser Commercial

Bud has a new commercial ( to me) . A story about an itchy horse and a mouse.

Totally delightful. The person making these sommercials with the Clydies rally knows horses!

I saw it a few weeks ago and it IS darling! But why is it the mice I find in my barn aren’t nearly as cute as the ones on t.v.!!! In the winter they crawl into the horse blankets when they are hung outside the stalls then scamper when I pick up the blanket, eeewwwwwww!!!


Quick Time will download automatically (for free) from the ad site.

Great one - thanks for posting the link!

It’s on under “new this week.” I can’t see it until I get home where I have QuickTime on my laptop, but it’s there.

Ad Critic - Bud, Horse and Mouse

awe, my dad was telling me about it and i was making a cake tonight and he yelled for me to come into the living room see it… its way to cute! However, I don’t like mice, they chewed my halter fuzzies, leg wraps<no bow bandages> and polo wrap< my favorite ones too!> that stuff was in a locker and it was locked, no idea how it got in there, but apparently they were liking it!

member of the Vertically CHALLENGED rider clique.

Portia you bet me by 5 minutes


along with a bunch of other great spots

You need the quicktime plug-in if you don’t have it, and it can take a while to load, but is worth it

AdCritic - Budweiser Horse and Mouse spot

–My most accommodating strength is my willingness to humiliate myself

second chance! Try putting some stinky mothballs in your tack trunk, mice don’t like them. I know they stink but even after taking them out (leave em in a couple of days) the smell is still strong enough to drive out mousies!

I saw the ad, it was darling! I want one of those clydesdales! And my cat wants one of those mice!!!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

Haven’t seen it, but hope I do soon. I’m sure it’s cute!

Budweiser consistently has excellent commercials.

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Thanks for the link. Took forever to download, but well worth the wait!!

So bumpkin we are together in the world of raging hormones are we? I am so sappy these days.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Guess I forget about my hormones, but they sure are raging lol. No wonder I am so emotional these days.

I can’t wait to get home so I can download this commercial and see it.

Yesterday my instructor and I were working on Promise’s new rations. We opened up the grain bin and there, sitting in one of the feed buckets, was the cutest little bright-eyed mousie. He wasn’t a bit afraid, just sat there twitching his nose at us for a few seconds, before he scooted. They are so adorable, I do wish that they weren’t such dirty, disease carrying things.

Bud has a new commercial ( to me) . A story about an itchy horse and a mouse.

Totally delightful. The person making these sommercials with the Clydies rally knows horses!


I saw that one, it was adorable!!

wher can we get the quicktime ?? is it free ??? (im cheap) lol…


“Event riders leave no ring unrode, no jump over turned, and no ditch filled in.”

“Your competition just got better today, did you…” ~~ Come check out my site!!

I keep hearing about it but have yet to see! I suppose it aired during a football game or something. Probably won’t catch it there either.


“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Really cute (but NOT like the mice in my barn!)