I’ve never heard of a shimmable pad…
I don’t think fit for the horse is the problem because if the saddle is too wide wouldn’t the pommel be sitting on his withers? (which its not)[/QUOTE]
There is a lot more to correct saddle fit than wither clearance. There’s the shape of the tree, the shape of the panels, how closely the saddle fits, etc. You can have enough wither clearance but not have a saddle that is sitting level, or it may rock on a horse’s back (usually pivoting over the withers).
Correction pads can help you make small adjustments that help keep a horse more comfortable.
Pro panels are probably a good moderate fit for many horses but they are not really a one-size-fits all. I’m not saying the saddle doesn’t fit the horse, because it may well; it’s just a bit more complicated.
FYI -here’s one of the shimmable solutions out there: