New diagnosis cervical arthritis, facet injection today

I am 57 with new onset left sided neck pain. Started 5 months ago and progressively has gotten worse. Finally saw pain management (I see him at work) who tried a an occipital block for the headaches in the office which made the headaches go away. Today we did a left C2-3, C3-4 steroid facet injection. It was done under flouro and the arthritis was apparent, worse on the left. Strangely I started jumping more on a new horse but not high (3’) and am hoping it was a coincidence but my neck started hurting after that. Anyone else have neck arthritis that have found a decent treatment? 800 mg of ibuprofen doesn’t help but someone gave me 6 muscle relaxants and those worked well but don’t know if you can stay on long term.

My rhuemy prescribed bacoflen for my neck. It helps a lot with pain and spasms

Does it make you sleepy?

Not at all. I take it twice a day

Would a neck brace for some days maybe help?

I seem to remember someone with neck problems when I was going to PT for a wrist.
She was saying the brace helped keep those neck areas from being repeatedly irritated until they healed and inflammation had a chance to go down.
Her neck problems were from a rear-end hit on a red light.

Maybe ask your dr about a neck brace?

Baclofen and Skelaxin do not make me sleepy, but cyclobenzaprine, soma, and tizanidine all do

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