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New Feed….thoughts?

This feed is about to hit the market, and I am interested. I wanted to see what y’all’s thought are. I have seen mixed reviews. I currently feed alfalfa pellets, renew gold, co mega oil and depending on the horse, alfalfa hay or orchard alfalfa. They are also on mediocre pasture.




Thanks, somehow I missed it

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It’s easy enough to miss, especially when the search function isn’t superb. OTOH sometimes it is easier to just start a new thread… I’m considering it for my new mare who is super sensitive and curls behind the bit.

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I am going to try it I think. I messaged them and they sent me the President of the companies phone number to discuss my horses needs. Worst case, I go back to my current diet.


I look forward to hearing what others think of it if they try it. I feed shredded beet pulp and chopped alfalfa with TC Balancer Gold and some other supplements. I wouldn’t mind trying this with the balancer and supplements. It would save space in the feed room.

I’m going to try it once it becomes available to order in Virginia. Waiting…

Are you unhappy with how your horses are doing on your current feeding program?

In looking at the site I bet it is pricey and why switch to something that is basically what you are feeding now? Looks like it has beet pulp-- which would be an addition but what are you thinking it will do to improve your horses?

I tend to find something that works for us and stick with it, so always wonder at why people look to switch to every new feed that comes out.

I am not unhappy but I am always chasing down one of the products. I think it would be nice to everything in one bag, for the most part.

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I’m definitely interested in this feed. My horse currently gets a ration balancer, then an equal mix of alfalfa pellets, beet pulp, and grain. But we’ll probably start to lower the grain, and I’m guessing cut it out all together at some point.

So the idea of consolidating is very tempting. I would really love to know the weight of 1 quart of the grain to get a better price comparison to what I’m paying now.

So if you went with this feed you could eliminate which product from your current feed?

The oil and maybe renew gold, once it is out, I am calling them to see what they recommend. I am also not someone who switches feed at the drop of the hat. I fed Triple Crown for years and switched to this diet about 3 years ago at the recommendation of my trainer……

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Volume doesn’t matter for cost comparison. If you’re paying $20 for a 40lb of beet pulp, and $25 for a 50lb bag of alfalfa pellets, and you feed 1lb of each, then the cost is $1.00. If this new product is 50lb at the combination, at $26 (at Tractor Supply), then 2lb is $1.04. Then obviously if you’re paying more for the current alf/beep, this new Forage First combo is cheaper

Volume matters for cost comparison when you don’t buy your own feed and your barn prices it out by price per quart :wink:

That’s ridiculous to charge by the volume :angry: Especially since ALL feed is sold by the pound.


I don’t want to derail, but it does make sense for a large boarding barn that feeds by units of cups and quarts. They’ve done the work on the back end of figuring out the weight of 1 quart of each feed option, doing the math, and then presenting a price sheet to the clients so we can easily see cost per scoop of grain. We all know that 1 scoop of shredded beet pulp is going to be a different weight than 1 scoop of a dense pellet (referring to a 1qt scoop here).

So yes, I could weigh the volume of alfalfa pellets and beet pulp my horse is currently getting, use that to turn the price per QT into price per pound, and cost compare that way. I do actually get how math works lol, I just don’t want to do it.

So you are paying full board ( assumption on my part) but are charged additionally for feed by the quart? Do they also charge additionally for hay fed by the flake?

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Yes, full board. There is a feed allowance (set $$ amount) built into the board price. If you go over that, you are charged for it. Every horse gets free choice hay.

No need for the snark. Someone with a very hard keeper pays for their extra grain, and someone with an easy keeper isn’t subsidizing it. I choose to have my competition horse on an expensive ration balancer and topline builder so I go over my grain allowance. I don’t need the boarder with the retired pony who gets 2 pellets AM/PM to cover that.


It is what it is, but it IS weird to be charged by the quart, when it’s bought by the pound

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To each their own. I think its smart for the invoice to reflect the unit on the feed chart and the unit boarders are most familiar with, for the boarder’s convenience. Not everyone weighs their grain (separate issue).

It doesn’t change the actual price since it is the price per pound converted to price per quart based on the feed’s weight. I didn’t think this would be so controversial :laughing:

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