New Format.

WHY? What was the matter with the old format? Not that anyone has asked me, but I HATE this format and vote 1000 time for you to go back.

With the old format, I could just scan down the left side, looking for an avatar or name. There was a clear distinction of a quote and a reply to the quote.

PLEASE ----- go back to the old screen. If it is a matter of cost, take up a collection. I cannot imagine that anyone loves this new version.

You don’t recall how the old board was broken? We couldn’t quote or edit?

There were also no avatars at all with the old format :confused:

Perhaps you’ve accidentally sorted by latest activity or something? Maybe if you post a screen shot of what you’re seeing, we can help you get back to a view that works for you. After all, we’ve been on this new board for over two years now…if these changes are new for you, it’s a setting, not a change to the board.

To change from latest activity, you click on the tab just above “Post Reply” (the Post Reply at the TOP of the page) that says Posts.

To change your display settings to posts, go to your User Settings, to the Account tab, and under Display Mode, click Posts.


@Simkie Thanks!

@Lord Helpus Yes, please post or message me a screenshot if you’ve seen some recent changes because we haven’t done anything new to the format since the big overhaul a while back.