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New hay causing diarrhea?

Fully half the horses in the barn came down with diarrhea within 7 days of starting on new hay. My mare was spared, but she did become sluggish and cranky. Her manure also became darker and wetter, though still healthy-looking. Some of the bales were terribly full of leaves and other garbage. This hay apparently comes from Canada to New England, but there are no plans to send it back. Will the horses just need to adjust? Is it safe? What - if anything - should I be concerned about re: my own mare? Any advice appreciated!

Was the switch abrupt? Stopped one hay and moved to another without any transitional mixing? That can upset their systems. I suppose there could be something in the hay causing a reaction, but my first thought was that the change was too abrupt. Been there, done that, had horses colic due to such stuff at boarding barns.

Anybody take any temps? I would do that before being sure it was because of the hay.

Was the switch abrupt? Stopped one hay and moved to another without any transitional mixing? That can upset their systems. I suppose there could be something in the hay causing a reaction, but my first thought was that the change was too abrupt. Been there, done that, had horses colic due to such stuff at boarding barns.[/QUOTE]
Me too. For those who think nothing of switching hays without taking the time to ransition from the old to the new, there’s an article in the Smartpak catalog named something like “Switching Hay Increases your Colic Risk by 10X”.

Please note, I don’t buy Smartpak supplements but do like some of their tack which is apparently why I stay on their mailing list. :wink:

you got leaves in a hay bale----------
depending on type of leaf could be many things that shouldnt be in a bale cuasing your mare to be ill
stop using the hay-------- obviously the barn has brought in cheaper hay to the cost of all the horses being ill
seriously---------------- if you pay for rent to include hay is she going to pay the vet bills for all the sick neddies somehow i dont think so
i would ask for a reduction in my rent the next time i pay her/him

and my arguement would be--------- that the contents of the bale ar eunknown and could be and more like poisonios plants or ones that dont agree with horses, like, ivy, oak, ragwort,
list is here http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDUQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FList_of_plants_poisonous_to_equines&ei=07mCUrnIFcSrhQe6kYDYCQ&usg=AFQjCNE23ooUWEevFMSKxxqqgI9UelhBhQ&bvm=bv.56146854,d.d2k&cad=rja


if its made all the horses in with in 7 days then its not safe to eat

It could be a contaminant on the hay, or a virus. Did anyone have a vet out to pull blood?