I’m sure that this is a suuuuper longshot but I can’t stop thinking about this horse and will kick myself if I don’t try every option to find him.
To start with, this is NOT actually my horse. He was not stolen or anything. I’m looking for a buckskin gelding (about 6ish?) that ran through the New Holland sale this past Monday. His hip number was 393 and he was in one of the back pens by the cattle wearing a halter and lead tied around his neck. My ride had to leave before he could be run through so I did not get to bid. He should’ve gone through near the end of the sale, probably not ridden (he was part of an estate sale so no one really knew anything about him).
I don’t have a name or registration number. I just figured it was something I could throw out there if anyone knows what happened to him (OR IF YOU HAVE HIM, OMG) I’d gladly pay you, in cash.