Today we were given a super cute two-year-old Anatolian Shepherd / Great Pyrenees mix. He just got neutered two weeks ago. His owners are moving into town for various reasons and could not keep him.
He has been on one acre, kept mostly in a kennel next to the chicken coop they had.
We have ten acres, a flock of chicken, ducks, and geese, two pigs, and three horses. Our goal is for him to be able to be free-range on the farm, but based on his history, I expect that will take some time before he can be trusted to be out freely.
I’ve had pitties in the past, this is my first LGD. My BO in Florida had an Anatolian Shepherd who was just the best dog, free-range on about five acres with a HUGE flock of various birds and there were 8-10 horses on the property. Because of her, I’ve been wanting one for a while. Though he’s a mix (I didn’t really want Pyrenees but everyone down here seems to purposefully cross-breed them), he looks very much Anatolian and is incredibly sweet.
Just looking for advice on transitioning him to living free-roam on the 10 acres. I am going to be enlisting a trainer for basic obedience. Thanks!