New Marguerite Henry biography

I know that many COTH readers are also big fans of Marguerite Henry’s books (personal favorite: Born to Trot, followed by Black Gold) and of course, MIsty!) but I don’t know how many readers might know that Trafalgar Square recently published my biography of Marguerite Henry - DEAR READERS AND RIDERS, which was a number of years in the making and includes some rather never-told-before stories and never-published photographs too. And for anyone who has, in fact, read the book which was published just three weeks ago, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Many thanks. Lettie


I don’t understand your post.
The book Dear Readers and Riders, by Marguerite Henry, was published by Rand McNally 55 years ago.


Hi - You are right! There was a book by that name published over fifty years ago (no trademark on titles) The title of my book is, in fact, an homage. Here’s more about the book. Hope that clears things up!


I think you mean no COPYRIGHT on titles, rather than “trademark.”

And the phrase “hidden private life” in the subtitle of any publication about a public figure who has died raises suspicions. is Trafalgar Square Books, based on a farm in Vermont? Is that the same one?

Sounds interesting. I wonder how your book compares with the book I recently read called Marguerite, Misty and Me written by my friend Susan Friedland. Is it similar?

Susan’s book is part memoir of growing up a horse-crazy girl in the shadow of M. Henry in Illinois, a biography of Henry, as well as a chronicle of the author’s quest to track down people who knew her and worked with her. Along the way, she encountered many similarly obsessed Henry fans, and found previously unknown connections between her life and Marguerite’s.

I recently heard Susan speak at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society and the story of her journey was delightful and touching. It’s amazing how much love of Marguerite Henry she found around the country.

Here’s one of her blog posts regarding her book and the connections she continues to make. I highly recommend her book.


I do not know what you mean by “raises suspicions”? But perhaps you will read the book and perhaps you will find the answer to whatever questions you might have. Thanks!

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Thanks! Yes. I know of Susan’s book. Hers is a personal story while mine is a deeply researched biography. I think it’s wonderful that there is so much attention paid to Marguerite who most certainly deserves as much attention as possible!


Interesting. Black Gold and King of the Wind are my favorites by Henry.

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@LetRed Thank you for the link to the book :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Bristol_Bay Thank you for that link too!

As any rightful COTHer, I grew up on Ms Henry’s books. Dreaming of going to Chincoteague to see the ponies swim in…
And I grew up in IL, not terribly far from Tempel Farms & wasn’t aware my heroine was an Illinoisan too.
Probably for the best, or I would have somehow managed a pilgrimage :laughing:
I know Wayne very well, had friends with a farm there in the late 80s.


How wonderful! I met quite a few Wayne people in the course of my research - their wonderful stories are in my book along with their photographs too.

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Last time I was in Wayne it still restricted homes to a minimum of 5ac & trails were accessible from most properties - along Army Trail Rd, IIRC.

But, that was early 90s & I’d expect the town has bent to developers & may well be subdivisioned into anonymity :sleepy:
Sadly, this is happening to my little slice of Rural/Ag heaven right now :cry:
2 sub-d’s not 2mi North on my road.
1 is a Canvas (national mega-developer) rental sprawl of 176 homes.
Of what seems to be 4 cookiecutter plans, so close to each other you can hand your neighbor a cup of coffee through a window :dizzy_face:
The other is a local BN company putting up as yet unknown housing.
They have landscaped the entrance, complete with stone pillars touting their name: The Willows :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Probably the trees they tore down to make room.
My little 2-lane road is going to get to be an interesting commute… :roll_eyes: