I think if she’s good in her field then try working on some of the handling and grooming things there where she doesn’t have the stresses of the barn. You can use a rope to work on handling the hind feet. And if your trainer would be ok with it, some in person lessons from a patient colt starter type trainer. Warwick’s videos are great, but it can be hard to learn as you go with a horse with so many issues. But you can learn a lot from him about body language (yours and pony’s). Hopefully there isn’t a major health issue going on, but no matter the cause of the anxiety, you need some help to get her able to deal with and let go of some of that anxiety.
Someone mentioned Warwick Schiller. I would absolutely take a look at the videos for the relationship path and see what you can build that way. He also has podcasts and a fb group - Enjoy the Journey.
You are wise to be taking your time.
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