My sister in law frequents local auctions/saddle pages out in western MO and snatched this guy up. He’s got an interesting hip brand that we think may be connected to a pack outfitter in CO possibly, but other than that his provenance is a mystery. He spent the summer putting on weight and getting settled and this weekend she brought him to me for 30 days of good citizen/possible OF training.
There’s a very good possibility I’m barn blind because he’s such a charmer, but I’m getting kind of excited about him and wanted to start a thread to keep track of his progress as well as find out what the collective thinks!
Bo this AM, approximately ride number 7 ever
Oooh! He’s such a cutie! I’m excited to see his progress
Lovely horse, very handsome and such a pretty face and head.
No wonder you are excited, ok to be barn blind.
He’s a cutie! And seems to be going very well for seven (or so) rides.
Now we get to add another Bo to the “follow” list.
His neck looks great!! He’s a little cutie.
You are calling him a pony, but how tall is he? (I affectionally call everyone ponies).
Apart of schooling OF. What are your other goals with him?
Can’t wait to see more of him!
I will NEVER tire of seeing glow-ups from auction/sale condition to in-work condition.
Bo is so cute! The roached mane (if I’m seeing it correctly) suits him!
I haven’t sticked him but I’m estimating he’s between 15.2-16 hands or so.
He’s initially only staying with me for 30 days so the immediate goals are getting him moving off the leg and straighteness. It seems like someone has done some groundwork and saddled him, but he is green as grass otherwise so I’m planning on going back to the very beginning and making sure he understands what I’m asking before I add anything else. I could totally see him bopping around a hunter ring if he shows any jumping aptitude when the time comes to introduce it though!
We will need to call him Pony Bo regardless of his height so we don’t get him confused with Horse Bo and the saga of his new life.
Oh, he’s a chocolate bunny! Or, I guess, a chocolate hony.
Love his coloring and his pretty head and neck. What a great project and it’ll be interesting to see how he develops.
Now that is a good looking horse, excellent find!
He is lovely and so lucky to have found you all. Do share progress in the future please too!
Beautiful! Looks like you found a nice one there.
Wowzer! I’d love him too!
He’s so dear!!
I wonder if he was a pack horse, or a dude ranch mount. Either would explain basic handling, but no education under saddle.
Good idea. When I saw this thread title I thought it was going to be a new title for Bo’s thread.
That’s exactly what we were thinking! The brand on his hip is registered in Colorado and SIL thinks it belongs to some kind of outfitter but we haven’t been able to track down which one. He leads like a champ and stands for saddling with no issues so it makes sense.
His barn name is technically Boland because we picked Pearl Snaps as his show name (we’re both music nerds, lol.) I’ll change the title to eliminate confusion
good show name
sorry, posted before I saw he already has a show name.