New Rescue: Bump above knee *Update*

Hi, I’m new here. Owned horses all my life but been out of it a few years.

Let me premise with I have already called my vet. She examined him a little over a week ago and was the one to find the bump and just told me then to “watch it”. I bought a 4 year old QH from a feedlot in NC 3 weeks ago, he came in sound and was sound until Sunday when the farrier was out. After messing with his legs his knee where the lump is swelled and he went off. I’m cold hosing with absorbine rub daily. He’s not off at the walk. The vet advised that I just continue doing that for a little over a week with no forced exercise. He is pasture boarded by himself right now and doesn’t go crazy.

My concern is I don’t know if this was a past injury, or if maybe he slipped in all this rain we had and just tweaked it. He was bought sight unseen and looking at his pictures before I got him it was already there. The vet said if he remains off I’ll have her come out but anyone deal with something like this? It has no heat, pushing it doesn’t bother him and he does not seem in pain. I’ve attached pics, the full one was before I bought him and then right vs left leg with arrow pointing to the lump.


Gabes leg 2.jpg

Gabes leg.jpg

Wow ok nothing? His leg is still swollen, no one has seen this before?

What does the vet say? Or do you need a new vet? He’s a good looking horse and a good age, so if he was headed to slaughter I would not be surprised if he had a chronic hard to fix injury.


Agree with Scribbler. Time to get a work-up from a knowledgeable lameness vet. Then you’ll know if rest/rehab can
fix the problem. But first you need to know what you’re dealing with.

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I would have it x-rayed. Looks like the swelling common in that area when there is a bone spur. Usually an excellent prognosis for soundness…after surgery and layup. Been there, done that with a customer’s horse.

I’m sorry it took so long for you to get a response; this is the first time I’ve seen your post and I don’t have anything to add except definitely do xrays. You’ll get good information about how to proceed. Thank you for giving this cute horse a chance! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope to hear a positive update.

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if he was on a feed lot then anything could have happened. This could be a progressing issue with a puncture foreign body or the result of a deep tissue trauma,like a kick.

time for another look see and possible xray to rule out bone chips spurs or dense foreign body

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Check out carpal canal.

Sorry everyone, I replied and just never came back to look for responses. I’ve been so busy! We are working on getting our vet out, their schedule keeps conflicting with mine and I had mandatory work training most of July and they are strictly 8-5. But we have an appt scheduled where we are doing a full lameness exam, and whatever is needed. The cool part is a tracked down all his prior owners straight to his birth barn in Kentucky. He is a purebred TB that was orphaned as a foal, mom died during birth. He was too lazy and small to race so they stuck him in a pasture for 3 years and then gave him away to owner #2. She swears he was sound, had to sell him for medical reasons. Owner #3 was the sketchy one who says he “limped” after he was shod. But then turns around and sells him to the guy who took him to the feedlot. So basically no answers. It seems to be soft tissue related but could be a floating bone chip or spur. I can update after the appt. He is still sound at the walk, off at the trot. I was trying not to confine him too much but we may have too. In good news though he is gaining weight really well and just sweet as pie! Thanks for all the responses.

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I updated below. I was worried about the same. I tracked down prior owners and they don’t say that but who knows. Seems he was just flipped all over. Sad because he is an amazing sweet boy.

Just saw your update. Has the vet been out yet? I hope you get good news. He sounds like a sweetie.
The horse I had with the spur had swelling in the same area and the spur was irritating the tendon. He’s back in work jumping (after surgery and rehab) and 100% sound.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I’ve been swamped with everything going on. We had the vet out, he immediately knew it was that knee didn’t even need a lameness exam. Went straight to x-rays. I knew as soon as he said “I’m going to take a pic of the left knee to show you what normal looks like” that it wasn’t good. His entire carpel bone in the right knee is shattered. It was an old injury, likely happened as a baby or yearling and the reason why he was never raced or registered. He is pasture and walking sound on it but that is all he will ever be able to do. It’s devastating for a horse that just turned 5 :-(. But he is a doll baby and regardless I’m glad we saved him.

Gabes knee.jpeg

Gabes knee 2.jpeg

You were right, that swelling is the carpal canal from the fracture of the carpal bone. See x-rays above.