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How do I access Today’s Posts on the Forum?

There are two threads started by the Mod1 discussing various glitches and such.

The closest option this forum has at this point is the tab that says ‘Latest Activity’. You have it at the general forum page and under all the various forums.

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I am using the Forums link on the left, which goes to

and then clicking “Latest Activity”.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be bookmark-able – the url doesn’t change.

ETA: I’ve just realized that it’s not listing the threads with the latest updates at the top. It’s sorting them by when the thread was created – this one for example is showing at 1:33 pm, not at 2:00 when I posted this response.


The Latest Activity also includes all the OT posts, which is one of the things I miss about “Today’s Posts” (that excluded OT, so was much more useful for how I browse).

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Glad someone figured out how it decides to list things because it had me baffled yesterday.

I have a request in to exclude the OT forums from the Latest Activity report as we had on the last site.

I get error message 502 when I click on my COTH link which has always taken me straight to the forums.

I found this screen by going to the main COTH page and clicking ‘forums’, but everything is in a Times New Roman font and there are no graphics.