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New to Charleston, SC

I just moved to charleston South Carolina 2 weeks ago and I am looking for a place to take lessons. I would like to do the jumpers, however, I do not currently have a horse of my own and would need lesson horses provided. I’m looking for a place that has horses that can jump 3’0"+

there arent really many of those here. Plenty of barns, and some may have leases, but few with real school horses

I have no idea about Charleston’s scene, however I do know most barns won’t let most of their lesson horse jump 3’0"+ in lessons. It’s just too much wear and tear on a horse to jump x times per day with different riders over bigger fences. A good program will have the lesson horse flatting with one rider and jumping with the next, but most will keep the jumps lower.

We have one lesson horse that jumps bigger (sometimes) with a lesson person. She has ridden with my trainer for probably 5 years or so on this particular horse. So my trainer is confidence in her ability. The horse doesn’t go that high with everyone.