New to chiro

I’ve never been to a chiropractor before today. I’d been having some lower back pain for over a month and upper back and neck pain after being thrown from a horse a couple weekends ago. I’d tried Celebrex and Robaxin, have even taken a couple Vicodin when the discomfort kept me awake. So I went to the chiro. He did x-rays, and then some adjustments. I wasn’t expecting them to hurt but they did, and I’m going to need pain meds to get through the evening chores. Is this typical? Plus he told me I’d need to come in 16-22 times. Is this also typical?

Some soreness isn’t unusual, it should lessen as you get further along. Ice/heat are good choices. I don’t think you are ever done with chiro. I have been going for 30 years.

Thanks Laurie. I was very sore when I woke up at 5 this morning, ouch!

My experiences with chiropractors haven’t been positive, unfortunately. I find that it feels amazing to get adjusted, but the feeling is very short lived. Learning some physical therapy exercises to build up strength in my back muscles has been very helpful.

have you seen an orthopedist? i’d see an orthopedist. s/he will probably send you for PT.

Haven’t seen an orthopedist. The chiro did give me exercises to do today, which I will need help with. I hope I can remember them all.

Get a new chiro. I always feel better after being adjusted, it usually lasts, and the max I have ever gone for one injury is 2-3 times, then I don’t go again until the next “assault”.
I have been to the kind you describe, not good at all. Find a good one, there’s really a huge difference.

It takes the body quite awhile to get adjusted to a new position thus you will be sore the first few times you are adjusted. Once your body becomes accustome to being in the right position the soreness will go away. However you may want to ask your Chiro if he is certified in sports med. I can not begin to tell you how much I rely and depend on my sports med Chiro. If it weren’t for him I would not be able to function the way that I do.
Mine has me as one of his worst patients damage wise. My rule from him is after each adjustment I have to go home and do NOTHING. I also have excersises that I have to do every morning and night they are simple ones but when you have to masses of balled up muscle in your lower back it helps.

I was very crooked (right leg one inch shorter) and finally went to the chiro. My first time I felt sore and he said to do nothing taxing after the adjustment. After that I went 2 times a week for 2 weeks then we switched to once a month. My insurance will only cover once a month so that was a good thing. Now I can do whatever I’m comfortable doing after an adjustment. It took a while for me to get used to being straight. It’s really improved my riding. I can really feel it when I need an adjustment now.

Sounds a little like the chiro I went to once. I’m not even sure you could call it a whole visit. He started by telling me that doctors were full of crap & that all the problems in my ankle was due to misalignment & there really wasn’t any soft tissue problems (despite the 15+ sprains:confused:) He started jerking me around, and I was amazed at how rough he was with my very delicate foot (I came in with a boot on). He got one pull & I was done; my gut (& foot) told me this was not good idea.

It was also a red flag to me that he wouldn’t take insurance & was talking it up as a lifestyle & not short term therapy.

I’m not completely against chiro; my PT does some chiro stuff that helps, but some are kind of scary.