new to paradressage and new mount


im new to this forum so i will do a bit of an introductory post

im eighteen i have cp all limbs affected. can walk but not around my horse

my mare is 14.3 to 15hh ex raced standardbred who we brought with our hearts not brains. we could put our hands completely round her tail bone and top it she is pregnancy

i have just had classification ia (if i ride 1 handed) or ib (if i ride 2 handed with loop reins) but right shoulder is screwed thanks to my last pony

my history i started riding at 2 at rda and at 13 was given my first pony when we moved 2 hours away from the nearer rda she was a disaster(she was a ex rda pony that hadnt been handle in 2 years) had a 4 year due to ending up in foster care and now im out i brought my mare