Disclaimermy doctors know I ride, I am always wearing protective equipment in the barn, I am always in visual distance from someone when around a horse, I am very in tune with my body and would never ride when feeling sick, and my various therapists say they notice a significant improvement in my body after riding and think it helps. I’m primarily looking for help to ease the pain and soften the landings when in the saddle a long time/jumping and when my arthritis acts up and makes it difficult to get a good grip. Thanks!
Hello all,
I was born with spina bifida (L4-S5) and had a number of surgeries and live in the therapy clinic but have always been remarkably ambulatory and beyond pain and some internal issues, was perfectly capable of riding and it was encouraged as therapy. I was then diagnosed with epilepsy at 12 and have snuck around riding for the past 12 years, medicated and with excess precautions. Achieved considerable success in the pony, junior, and now adult rings.
I have now been diagnosed with lupus and and a whole host of wonderful symptoms - the usual derm issues, arthritis, stress fractures CONSTANTLY, a bunch of blood disorders, every cardiopulmonary condition you can imagine, chronic kidney disease, and a variety of systemic issues. We’re working hard on getting me on the right meds for my conditions, but the pain is a constant and unlikely to be lessened given I’ve been on every drug possible.
After all that, I’ll get to the point! I need recommendations for gear to make life more bearable in the saddle. I’m a GP level training show jumper but compete in the 1.4m classes right now in uni. I also do the high performance and working hunters. It is being increasingly unbearable to sit in the saddle for very long so a half pad is needed for my comfort; horse couldn’t care less. I also need stirrups that have more cushion or more give coming down from jumps. I’ve tried the flexi ones and they are too unstable for my ultra flexed ankles. Saddle and reins? Are there good grippy options for when the arthritis hits my hands hard and my hips don’t feel like being too secure?
I’m looking for quality products but am on a budget so need things that can be used in both the hunter and jumper rings.
So that’s tips on tack and riding methods for a newby-lupus-girl
Half pad