IMO, the shutdown was mandated by LA County Health Department. Would appear to me that the decision was driven by people, both HD and general citizens, who don’t understand racing and racetracks. Public pressure for closure I’m sure as just about every other sport has been shut down completely. (NASCAR and Fox Sports are going to be broadcasting a 1 hour virtual race today :eek: ).
Horses are not cars and can’t just be parked in a garage as we all know. Unless you’re involved in the horse and/or racing business, you don’t understand how many people are needed to care for 1500 horses. Most people don’t even know how many horses are on the backstretch at SA much less what is required to care for a stalled, fit 1000lb athlete.
As I commented from a BH article on the other thread, Gulfstream did a mandatory payout of their Rainbow Six yesterday… so far no closure but I’m wondering if Gulfstream wanted to get that off their plate in the event they were forced to close.
Not many places and races left… Oaklawn was open yesterday as was Tampa Bay and Gulfstream. Los Al and Golden Gate in CA.
Interesting to note that Japan is now back to racing. Australia appears to be racing sans spectators.