No love for Bolt D'Oro in the Southern Hemisphere this year...

I wonder what happened? He became overly aggressive here in the states? How are stallions handled in Australia? Any thoughts on this?

By the way- 104 covers in Australia ( speaking to the recent rule change) Does anyone know how the numbers look in Oz, as opposed to here, for the stallions standing down under?

Good for Spendthrift. It’s clearly in the horse’s best interests to not shuttle.


I agree.

It is unusual for a stallion to savage their handlers when they have had proper handling, and this one has had proper handling.

No one wants to see a horse become a rogue. It is in the breeders interest as business people, and as people that care about the horse, to recognize that the stallion needs careful handling, not so hard to notice in this case, since he savaged a groom known to him.
I think great strides have been made since a breeding stallions living situation has been recognized to be important to their mental as well as their physical health.

Most everyone nowadays understands that it is in no ones best interest to push a stallion beyond his capacity, in either respect.

It is quite a lot to ask of a horse to shuttle, to travel such distances, to breed year 'round.

It’s good that this horse’s connections are making an effort to keep him happier and from savaging any more employees or handlers.

I hope the former handler is recovering well.

In Bolt d’Oro’s first season, he covered 104 mares in Australia and 214 in the U.S.?
I have no sympathy that his connections are “disappointed” that he can’t do it again.


I remember Bolt was a little nutty as a racehorse also, although not dangerous AFAIK.

No stallion should have to breed 318 mares in one year, let alone shuttle to Australia for part of that. I think that the amount of times stallions today are bred is way too much. Just look at all one that don’t make it as racehorses for one reason or another. Too many unwanted horses these days to be breeding that many each year.

Hope Bolt is doing better and getting a bit of a break.