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No more plastic: feed scoops

As things break or are lost, I’m trying to replace with plastic free alternatives. Case in point: plastic feed scoop handle that broke recently, and I suspect the hot glue fix won’t hold for long.

What’s the longest lasting metal scoop?

I see galvanized sheet metal with steel handles added, welded steel ones, and solid cast aluminum ones. Looking for about 3 quart size, but bigger is OK too.

search Dry Ice Scoop on the usual places. Our lab used large scoop that were diecast, so no welds or attachment


I was going to suggest a regular restaurant ice scoop. They come with a hole in the handle to attach a chain, in case things tend to walk.

In the meantime one can repurpose a plastic bleach bottle into a scoop.


I use theses scoops, I like the measurements and that I can scoop and weigh easily.

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I think all metal feed scoops will outlive you. :rofl:


I have both of the top two, and they have to be 30 years old. Recommended!


I use a cup measuring cup that came with supplements that I bought years ago. So I am recycling. Measuring out a cup works better for me than a scoop anyway with easy keepers. But I agree - I hate all the damn plastic that comes with things I buy, not to mention the multiple layers of plastic packaging. Could you use a glass or metal measuring cup designed for cooking?

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I second that! What baffles me in my local supermarket: organic produce individually wrapped in plastic. REALLY!!!

Better steel or aluminum than glass, which can break and is much heavier.
I love the one @luvmyhackney posted!

I really dislike the ones with the exterior handle like the second and third one pictured. I keep my grain in small metal garbage cans and the handle on that type is too long to get a full scoop having to tip it to get the scoop out of the can. I have plastic scoops that are at least 20 years old (I rarely throw something usable out).


I have two grain “scoops”. One is an actual 1 cup measuring cup (plastic). Works great for my 1 cup a day Purina Outlast. The other is a clear “cup” from a little Ninja Blender. It’s a really hard plastic and I’ve used it for several years. Has a nice handle on it for scooping! Works great.

So my scoops are outside the box I guess!

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The 2nd and 3rd will put a lot more torque on your wrist than the first one, as well as taking up more space, but they will probably be more durable.

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I have two cast aluminium feed scoops that I have had since 1985. And they were already well used when I got them, from a boarding stable that was closing down.

I have never had any problems with them.

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LOVE this scoop!

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i use old Revereware pots. I have one in each of the feed bags. i like long handles can reach down to the bottom easily that way, and these are nice and big around so easy to grip with thick winter gloves. I replaced all my old pots 20 years ago, and then repurposed them to feed. Then, when my dad died, i had all of his to add to it, so now, every metal trashcan with it’s own feed had it’s own pot.

I only need to measure - at most - 2 cups of grain (I feed whole oats). I have an old Tupperware that lost its lid & measures this exactly.
Horse gets 2 measures, pony gets 1.
Mini gets a cup of TC Sr & I got a set of measuring cups from Dollar Tree for that.

If I had more than 3 to feed, I’d look for a metal quart scoop.

Great topic!

I have a couple of the top ones. They are probably 30 years old. And they are also ergonomically way better than the ones that have the handles at the far end of the scoop. Try scooping something chunky like alfalfa cubes and you’ll see what I mean. A plastic scoop with a handle at the back end is even worse than a metal version of the same. But I really like the ones with the handle in the middle, or even that brace you can grab.

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This thread reminds me of my teens when my friends who had horses used that most scientific feed scoop.

The Maxwell House Coffee Can.


Thats is unacceptable…everybody knows Folgers cans were the way to go. Of course “real” horsemen didn’t depend on such sissy tools and just walked down the aisle/alley using bare hands to scoop just the right amount into each feeder. Of course hands did get sticky and smelled like a molasses cookie the rest of the day. However that, and the rich smell of alfalfa sticking to the bottom if your jeans removed the need for car air fresheners. I miss those smells. The creosote stains and smell from telephone pole and railroad tie fencing? Not so much. Getting it off a light colored horse, even less.

Guys, for those of a certain vintage, how can we forget the joys of tube worming?

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Some of us have never advanced. :rofl: My horse’s balancer, a 13-ounce dog food can. My husband’s horse’s feed, a Costco peanut can to the top line below the rim, except now when he’s on a diet and gets a full 28-ounce tomato can plus a half dog food can of balancer. Etc.

I’ve used my sister’s official feed scoops and actually prefer my cans! To each their own I guess.

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Ack - of course I should upcycle something! But no Folgers cans here (tho now I’m on a mission to find beans in plastic free packaging…)

I’m going to go with the metal galvanized scoop up thread. Meets all my reqs and some I hadn’t thought of (no longer handle to shoehorn into feed bags) - thanks for all the good input!

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