No more Pony Hunter Conformation....update, Pres Mod rescinded, conformation is back!

I haven’t been on a pony since the early ‘90s, but I find this really troubling. Both the idea and how it’s been implemented for two years, purely based off of one show series’ request (seemingly - admittedly, I need to read more). I think confirmation is substantively important for supporting pony breeding, which helps make talented, sound, and lovely ponies. I also think it’s a good experience for children to learn to stand up ponies and be aware of their flaws etc. I used to feel self-conscious and it wasn’t my favorite class - and I’d been moved down in the o/f on my medium pony but there were good lessons there. Also, remove those elements and you’re blandify-ing the division. I think it’s a tradition that is actually based on strong principles and it wouldn’t be just an update (like evolving style based on safety equipment improvements). I also think it’s important to leave jogs in the classes, to assess soundness. If venues are having time issues, then that’s an issue with their scheduling and offering too many divisions. If children don’t have enough time to participate in a class with a conformation o/f, then they’re showing too many animals or in too many classes or too often. Just my initial thoughts off the cuff!


And the Pres Mod has been rescinded. Ponies will have conformation classes.


Latest press release:

The way I read that press release, they have simply rescinded the presidential modification, they are still open to a formal rule change that will get rid of conformation.

Yes, but I think once the pony task force is consulted and involved in the process, that may change the outcome quite a bit.

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@LaurieB late to the topic but have to ask. Strawberry roan? What a cutie pie pony.

I have nothing to add to the thread as I long since gave up lamenting the way things use to be. My inner girl still mourns that by the time she could do the things, the bus had left her behind and the new ride wasnt what she expected


Yes, and thank you! She was great. I still miss her.

Here’s a color pic from a year later, this one from a model at Fairfield. (The judge is standing behind her.)

Pride-Fairfield Model


30 years ago, I learner judged at a show she stewarded and to say I was more worried about her opinion that the other judges was putting it mildly.


More details.

From the article you linked (bolding mine); "Presidential modifications generally only last one year, and the 2024 modification reportedly instructed stakeholders within the USHJA to discuss the role of the conformation class at some point last year and come up with a recommendation for a permanent rule change proposal. However, former USHJA President Mary Knowlton said she never received a copy of the document. USEF declined to provide it to the Chronicle.

According Britt McCormick, who became president of USHJA last April, a discussion about changes to pony conformation classes never happened.

“I’m not sure why, because I wasn’t in charge back then,” he said.

I can only reply to that bit of I-know-nothing-about-it because-I-wasn’t-in-charge-back-then, by saying that Mary Knowlton can be taken at her word. She would not lie about receiving or not receiving a document. Perhaps if Mr. McCormick had discussed the issues with Mary, his predecessor, he would have a better understanding of what was happening before he was elected to run the USHJA.

Mr.McCormick’s goals; "My short-term goals include taking a hard look at the business side of USHJA. We are a multi-million dollar non-profit organization and I’m really looking forward to taking a look at the internal business side quite a bit," McCormick said of his plans as President. “Then I would like to get with all the various task force chairs and see where we are on the sports side, getting feedback and input to see where they think we should be going next.”

The horse people dedicated to teaching, training, and the welfare of horses and riders leave, and the horsey businessmen take over. It’s too bad that they can’t have both working together, but this seems to be the path that the USHJA (and USEF) are choosing.

It’s disappointing.


Yup. This is just another sign that the tail is wagging the dog.


this was the sentiment I was trying to speak above. I wanted to be part of the traditional sport I read about as an inner city kid, not the industry it has become.

I wanted to be Kit Kavendish