No search function

Its seems there is no search function in the mobile format. The little search magnifying glass in the top right corner doesn’t do anything when pressed. A google search with the forum domain is helping but would love to search while in the forums. Help? Thanks!

What mobile platform?

The magnifying glass pulls up the search bar and link to advanced search for me on android. No problems using it.

Magnifying glass works for me the search bar comes up, i’m on android.

Can’t seem to search unless within a specific thread, and then it appears to be confined to that thread.
Used to be you could do a general search of threads looking for phrases, etc.

I just tried it to see what was wrong, used the search bar on the right above the ads and didn’t have any trouble accessing multiple forums and threads with chosen words?

Try it again, see if it is working now?

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Mobile or desktop?

Mobile search is the magnifying glass in the green barn on top; desktop search is off to the right, below the social media buttons and newsletter sign up.

Sounds like you’re trying to use the “search within thread” box at the top of the thread, in the grey bar. Yep, that’ll just search within the thread. You have to use the general search–located as detailed above–for the more general searches.

Aha - thanks. Have a laptop and was searching for it on the left 3/4 of the page - the forum side - didn’t even think to look up above the ads! Thanks!

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