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Non-drowsy anxiety meds?

I had my beagle on trazadone for three months to address anxiety. The first three weeks he was a complete zombie, then he perked up a bit but was still sleeping the majority of the day. He’s 13 so I thought he was just aging. I decided to take him off the trazadone to see if he would become less sleepy and within a day he was full of spunk!

A quick search showed that most anti-anxiety meds also cause lethargy. Anyone have luck with a non-drowsy med? The trazadone definitely reduced his anxiety when he was alert, but I’d prefer he not be stoned all day.

Do you use it every day? I use Trazodone situationally for my separation anxiety dog. Fluoxetine is better suited for daily use.

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Have you tried CBD? It works wonders for my heeler mix, she gets anxious when we have guests over.

Have you tried an SSRI, like prozac, or the older tricyclics, like clomipramine? They tend to work well for anxiety, and while there may be a little drowsiness the first few days, it’s not usually lasting.


Thanks for the tips, everyone. I’ll try the CBD first since I have some for him already. If that doesn’t work, I’ll talk to the vet.

You could try L-Theanine, an amino acid. You can buy it OTC from Amazon or in some supplement sections; there are dosing guidelines and some pet-specific formulations described here:

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