I posted here at the end of October about my insane medical zebra mare. Figured I owed people a short update, which will likely sound like the ramblings of a lunatic if you weren’t involved with that hoppin’ discussion. She had a barium swallow done on the 26th–no abnormalities. I’m told that she made sweet photogentic horsey love to the vet techs, so she’s likely to appear on the social media. We are going to continue treating “allergies” with her 40 zyrtec pills and, I think more importantly, continue soaking her hay. Looking at trying to find a hay steamer in the USA–any options known to be reliable other than Haygain? I may also approach her home vet about tailoring her allergy shots (we discontinued them previously due to apparent lack of efficacy) to just hay/grass.
Two positives:
- As my amazing NBC vet pointed out, an abnormality on the barium swallow would not be good news, as that would be incredibly difficult to manage. Part of me wishes I had an answer no matter what, but such is life…
- Had her x-rayed while she was there. NO SAND. So that’s tremendous. Because whatever happens next (because when does anything NOT happen with this horse?), we can rule out sand accumulation as possible cause, at least for a few months.
UC Davis confirmed she is negative for PSSM1. I’m keeping PSSM2 in the back of my mind, but wasn’t going to put her through a muscle biopsy same visit as the barium swallow.
My concern remains as to what causes the inflammation in her hind gut and sudden pickiness in the fall regarding powders and potions in her food. Lately her poop has suggested to me that there may be a wee bit of a flare up going on, as it’s very separated (but fecal balls are large) and has a slight slimy sheen to it.
Link because image tags are giving me hell: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7l8kienq5biusrpyyairj/2024-11-29-10.56.37.jpg?rlkey=qjklrsocird17x6wt69ft0quk&st=b7dmis3s&dl=0
So…we’re still at a loss, and with the weather being GOD AWFUL cold and my stressing her out with an NBC trip, I’m not looking to send her anywhere else for a bit. I’m basically stuck waiting until she gives me acute symptoms again. No vet that I’ve talked to has really suggested anything that I haven’t already done. We’re just…getting by, at this juncture. Because she deserves to be a horse as long as she’s happy being a horse.
Will update if anything changes.