North American Western Dressage virtual shows?

Has anyone heard of or participated in the North American Western Dressage virtual shows? It looks like you submit a video of yourself riding a pattern, and I guess all the entries are judged and winners chosen. There are ranch horse classes and showmanship classes as well. Buckles and conchos for prizes. $70 entry fee.

The organization looks pretty legit and I think I like the idea of virtual shows (it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of something like this. Are there others?) but I don’t know how I feel about spending $70 on a video show. I wonder if the judges give good feedback, or if the money would be spent on a virtual trainer. Can anyone vouch?

I did it, and I know others who have showed in it and won really nice prizes.

It worked well, submit payment an video and a week or two later got a virtual test and scores in my email, and a few weeks after that a (pretty!) ribbon in the mail. So it is legit.

Just my personal opinion though, I didn’t respect the judge I had (twice, and it looked like it would’ve been the same judge if I carried on). The judge was solidly in 5-6 land, even for maneuvers I performed that IMO should have been a 2 or 9, and the judge re-used (as in copy/paste) overall comments. That just doesn’t help me, so I quit doing it.

There have been other virtual show sites, and there still is one (Dressage Anywhere, I think?) that still does them, although I doubt they offer WD tests.

My friend competes in virtual shows through the Western Dressage Association of Canada and loves them.

Wow, this is really interesting. I hadn’t realized that online horse showing was a thing.

Hi! This is my third year showing virtually with NAWD. I have done the USEF WD ridden tests and competed with my yearling in the ground program this year (it’s strictly a walk test that we practice once a week). I have not been surprised by any of my scores and comments. I think you might be referring to the ranch champ show with a $70 entry fee? The other shows have a $25 entry fee per class which is what I’ve always paid.
I have really enjoyed it, and it’s been a fun and low-stress way to compete with my baby. The ribbons are beautiful!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for chiming in with your experiences Kay and kelo! I think I might give a show or two a go, if only to have something to work toward while I’m snowbound to the arena this winter.