Not my Usual, yet still a Brag

So, Driving club is planning a trip to a State Park - an hour from home - for June.
In his former life, my riding horse was used exclusively for trails & horsecamping.
FF to him coming to me (5yrs ago) & he has been off the farm once.
3yrs ago to a schooling Dressage show (won his Intro A, 3rd Intro B :grin:).

Today Club held a Fun Day at the Fairgrounds. A mere 20min haul for me.
So we went.
I had no idea if he had ever seen a cart/carriage or horse hitched to one.
He was a total Rockstar :star_struck:
Happily followed minis w/carts, horses with carriages & only came close to losing his :poop: when he caught sight of a Clydesdale mare.
Apparently, she was so purty he just had to stop, stare & bellow at her.
He vibrated so hard I felt like I’d put a quarter in the Magic Fingers Saddle :laughing:
But we lasted a bit over an hour, he went first through the Covered Bridge & made me pretty darn pleased.

So he may go to the park, mini might come too, or I might bring another riding friend & her horse.

Brag concludes with pics:
Standing by the Covered Bridge

No, we are not Beef Cattle :wink:


Great job!! I can’t imagine getting my horse through a covered bridge. I think every horse should have a solid trail foundation - it makes them more confident and bold. Lovely photos too!

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Lovely horse. So glad you both had a breakthrough! Wish you had on a helmet though.


Sincerely no offense. But I’ve seen you chastise posters for unsafe driving behavior. I think I remember a thread where a poster took a pic of a hitched horse that was free. I think your safety is as important as our horses. Your ponies need you !


Nice to see you riding instead of driving, he’s handsome :heart_eyes:! (and yes to the helmet, don’t risk your noggin!)


Thanks, All.
@ThreeWishes, My Bad :flushed:
I truly intend d taking my helmet - left it on the fender of the trailer (D’OH!) - TG it was still there when I got home - lying in the grass where it had rolled off.
Club members are largely not helmet wearers & the only one I could borrow was too large, slipped down over my eyes.
Trust me, on the next trip (to a State Park) helmet will go in the trailer before the horse!


They’re both fabulous photos! He looks to be a great match for you, ie you look really good together.

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What a beautiful horse! RE helmet --I always (as in always) wear one —when I rode mules in January with my gal-pals down the Grand Canyon and back up, I wore my helmet --despite being told that if my mule and I should fall off the edge of the trail to the bottom of the canyon (one mile down) my helmet would not make a difference as at that height, all that is left after hitting the canyon floor is a pink mist (think watermelon dropped from that height). I wore it anyway --old habits! See you at the park in June!


FYI: you probably know, but Potato Creek charges $12 for entrance to the park ($7) & 1-Day pass ($5)for 1 horse & trailer.
Might be less if you have a tag.

CU there! :grinning:

@2DogsFarm --Thank you!

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