So, Driving club is planning a trip to a State Park - an hour from home - for June.
In his former life, my riding horse was used exclusively for trails & horsecamping.
FF to him coming to me (5yrs ago) & he has been off the farm once.
3yrs ago to a schooling Dressage show (won his Intro A, 3rd Intro B ).
Today Club held a Fun Day at the Fairgrounds. A mere 20min haul for me.
So we went.
I had no idea if he had ever seen a cart/carriage or horse hitched to one.
He was a total Rockstar
Happily followed minis w/carts, horses with carriages & only came close to losing his when he caught sight of a Clydesdale mare.
Apparently, she was so purty he just had to stop, stare & bellow at her.
He vibrated so hard I felt like I’d put a quarter in the Magic Fingers Saddle
But we lasted a bit over an hour, he went first through the Covered Bridge & made me pretty darn pleased.
So he may go to the park, mini might come too, or I might bring another riding friend & her horse.
Brag concludes with pics:
Standing by the Covered Bridge
No, we are not Beef Cattle