“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

Maybe Bowie is doing a service by exposing unwanted horses to a broad range of buyers, not just the ‘local yokels’ at their original homes, who would have less invested, and might not do as well by them.

Maybe given the total cost of acquisition by an out-of-state buyer, this filters them into a better chance at a better home, as happened for Nosey.

I prefer to think of it that way.


So, it seems I was very wrong about O’Dwyer horses operating the Bowie auction. O’Dwyer / Bowie IS a contract shipper to slaughter in Mexico!

I noticed that in the info below the horse was the information “Slaughter Date”. I did some other internet research to find out if O’Dwyer is a shipper, and it turns out that they are a volume shipper!

O’Dwyer told at least one interviewer that the majority of their revenue comes from sales to the public. But shipping is also important to them.

So Nosey really did get lucky, in so many ways!


Danger! Danger! Deer in the cornfield!!! I said, there are DEER in the cornfield!!!

But I’ll go check it out if the fat aunties go first :rofl:


It looks like the aunties are teaching her well.


The mares are all worried, then don’t care. Mixed signals!

Nosey is like, ‘Is there an emergency, or not ??? What do I do about this? What, eat grass ???’


I so enjoy watching Nosey TV. :blush:



For some reason she’s looking extra leggy there.


My favourite channel!!


Agree. She’s going to be one tall drink of water. :blush:


I was originally thinking she’d end up 15.1 or so but now I’m not sure, she seems to be sprouting!


It’s so funny to see how the young ones seem to change in the blink of an eye. Thanks for posting all the pictures so we can follow along!

There have been a few times when she looked much more butt high in the pictures than she did just a month ago, but that might be based on whether or not the ground is level. Lol.


Looks lie she has some junk in the trunk and a nice throatlatch blooming too.

Thank heavens the aunties are there to teach her how to be sensible and cap that youthful excess emery…she could be a bit of a pistol.


Have there been any updates on Banjo? Or did he migrate to a different thread?

Hope he’s doing well. :crossed_fingers:

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Aw - so cute! I love those vids! Thanks for posting them 2BB! I could watch that pretty girl float around all day. So nice to see her enjoying her time in that big lush paddock with her new aunties. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for asking about Banjo—I haven’t made any updates or switched to a different thread. Just been distracted with work and the heat. He’s doing great. His scrapes are healing up. Got wormed, got front shoes (he was great for the farrier), he’s no longer just 2 shoes on the left side. I think he’s gained a little weight, maybe, but he has a ways to go. Big appetite and can hear me getting the buckets ready and always hollers to eat. I’ve been careful with amounts of feed, but I think I can increase his a bit. Nickers every time he sees me and when they’re out, he starts toward me from across the pasture.

I did a little ground work the other evening—just walking on the lead rope and learning to stop with me, stand straight, and stand without coming toward me. He wants to be in your lap all the time! So we’re just messing around with very basics, since I don’t think he’s really had that. The bugs have been horrible this year and I’ve noticed that any new horse here seems to have to go thru a period where they all are bitten up but that has always subsided to where the bugs don’t go after them as much or they don’t react as much. They both are coated with high-permethrin (sp?) fly liquid twice a day wiped on (he’s not a fan of sprays yet) because that’s the ONLY thing that has even made a dent this year. He clearly slept on some fire ants one night, and it looks like some bugs carpet-bombed his back last week, but those are starting to dry up and go down. He’s pretty good about most everything so far. It’s been just 2-½ weeks of being here and I’ve even see him buck and play a little. I just love him!

He says “HI” to Nosey! She is looking amazing.


Pics thi

s morning of Banjo


That’s unfortunate.
Shipping to Mexico one assumes?

reminds my of those little compressed sponges where there is not enough hydration to get them fully popped. She done sprung up and out, ratios all starting to match up


Nosey’s follow-up vet appt was this morning. We did an ultrasound of the lungs and found some inflammation, although not as bad as she expected. No sign of abscesses in the lungs. The vet thinks this is an allergic response, due to antibiotics having no effect on her symptoms and the history of Kentucky to Texas to Virginia all in the last two months. Also her temp and SAA have remained normal. So we’re going to do a course of dex over the next two weeks and if that doesn’t work then we’ll do a scope to investigate further.

The vet did remark that she likes her weight right now, as she prefers yearlings to be on the thin side. She also said she thinks she’s grown taller just in the three weeks since she saw her last.


I can sympathize with Nosey on the allergies! We went to Indianda the other week and I was so much better, came home to VA and blech!

@gradytb, Banjo looks terrific! Sorry about he bug attacks, buddy.