“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

About the same :confused:

Vet is coming back out Tuesday morning for a follow-up. She’s been on antibiotics - first SMZ then Doxy - for about three weeks and on Zyrtec for two weeks and the cough is still there. Still eating well, looks bright and chipper, and no temp so I guess we’ll be exploring other ideas.


Hmm. Well that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you’re able find something that works for her soon. :heart:

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I keep forgetting to check my bag of spirulina but I set a reminder to do that this afternoon, to make sure it’s still there and enough to be worth sending. If so I will PM you! Either way I will be sending Nosey some healing vibes. It is definitely allergy season though.


Thank you, I actually ordered some LungEQ pellets for her which should be arriving today. It has spirulina and MSM and some other things in it so hopefully she’ll eat it.


Speaking of looking bright and chipper, any new pics/vids for her international fan base? No presh.


I just ordered those last night for my coughing pony with mild asthma. Fingers crossed it’s a miracle worker for both of us.


I’ve been such a bad mother with pictures lately! But this is from tonight. She’s definitely growing. I can’t wait until those ribs are covered. :grimacing:


She has gained a lot of weight though. Her neck is nowhere near as skinny as it was when she was in the feedlot. Her shoulders and hips are meatier too. The ribs will come.


Thank you!! :heart_eyes:

She’s looking so sleek and lovely. I know the ribs would bother me, too, but it’s happening slowly and I’m betting at the right pace so you both just need to keep up the good work!


For recordkeeping / reference:


Lookin good there. Also looks like she is going to shoot up some in height just by virtual string test estimate.


looks like sheis actually longer in the back therefore more in proportion. Her neck has filled up as well.


She doesn’t even look like the same horse! Bravo!! Well done!!


Funny, I was thinking her good bone structure looks exactly the same. It just has more covering on it. Lol.


No more waspy hungry waist. She’s coming along! She had to feel tired and worn before.


A guestimated 3 yo 14h filly, purchased by an experienced, realistic professional right off the internet from a sales pen, is going to transform into … a beautiful glowing yearling who will grow into who knows what height … :star_struck:

Her name could also be spelled as “Nosi” or “Nozi”. Nosi seems to appear infrequently as an Italian surname, and even less frequently as a female given name in South African and Saudi Arabia. Could not find any meaning or definition attributed to it.

There is some information that “Nozi” can be found as a name of Xhosa origin (South Africa) and comes from the word Nozizwe, meaning “Mother of a Nation”. Well that’s something to think about.

So the imagination could run wild, “Nosi” or “Nozi” could mean anything! If that were her name. :grin:


K y’all, not tryin’ to cause trouble in any way, or anything … :crazy_face: :grin:

Dear Nosey was hip number (tail number) 2358.

We are up to #2640. "Little bay filly, 13.2, and a comin’ 3 yo … "

That photo looks familiar!! :smiley:

But … that’s how they photo the horses. And there are a lot of bay fillies in the world.

"Came in with all those broodmares and foals. Has a nice trot, needs a wormin’ dose and feedin’, moves around nice … "


In the video he’s trotting her back & forth just as he did with Nosey. (To be sure of clarity: This is NOT Nosey. Just another bay filly needing a home.) (IMO, Nosey had a considerably better trot. But there is no knowing what is going on with each of these horses.)

So this is what Bowie does, and I don’t fault them for some repetitious talk, it probably seems fairly repetitious to them.

And it may well be that there are farms all over the country who clean out pastures by shipping to Bowie.

And, maybe that makes for some opportunity for horse folk.

Dunno. Interesting.

Oh but wait … this is not an invitation to anyone in this thread to buy a horse. Just showing that the cycle is ongoing, forever it seems.

2641 is a bay colt who looks a LOT like the filly above, imo, yearling … way better fed and in fairly good condition


What’s sad to me is that there’s an endless pipeline of horses, many of them young and unhandled like these, to feed into the auction houses. I like both of these babies posted, although I’m not tempted to go down that road again any time soon. Hopefully someone will. The prices are right.


Both of those horses look like Standardbreds to me, or at least bred for harness, because of the shape of their heads, long backs and the shape of the hindquarters. I also think they’re older, because they have full tails.

I agree that they may be related, or at least from the same breeding program.

Sad to see them end up at Bowie, but neither of them speak to me the same way Nosey did.


I agree, they look like harness type crossbreds to me. Nice bone on both of them.

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