“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

I must get Nosey a pasture ball. She was trying so hard to get the aunties to play with her and they had way too much interest in eating instead. So I threw an old jolly ball into the field and she was thrilled. Circling, sniffing, pawing at it, rolling it, trying to pick it up, bouncing back and kicking at it, I laughed and laughed watching her. I’d love to find one of those big balls she could play with!


Valley vet and such catalogs have them:


Banjo sends Nosey a hug. He would like to send her a ball but doesn’t have a credit card. :slight_smile:

He banged up his LF fetlock a little the other day and came in with what looked like superficial cuts, which I washed and treated with Vetricyn and triple antibiotic ointment. His leg started to swell, and all my OTTBs have reacted to leg cuts with swelling and it wasn’t bad. Just filling. 2 days later, it was really swollen so I sent pics and my doc wanted to see him. SO I needed to get him there and drop him off yesterday but I had work and also I and another friend were taking lunch to a friend/teammate who is going thru 3rd round chemo. This had already been planned. So this is how awesome my neighbors are! 2 had horses who had spent the past couple days at the vet clinic for bad cuts. One is my neighbor whose daughter went with me to Bowie to get Banjo. They were going to pick up their horse and the other neighbor’s horse—it was going to be a girls vet trip :grin:. So they stopped at my place to get Banjo and he wasn’t bad, but he didn’t want to leave. My other horse (who I’d penned up ahead of time) didn’t want him to leave. He did load without much of a fuss but they sent me a pic from the clinic and he was standing there with my neighbor’s daughter, head down looking like his world caved in. I’d been SO emotionally stressed to not be there to take him, because he knows me. Well, he got there, had to stay the night and I went to get him this afternoon and he’d been sedated a little to work on the wound. It took him a minute to realize it was me and then it was like “oh this is for real” and it was on the trailer, with a little encouragement, and the ride home. It’s only about 45 minutes but he didn’t ride quietly. When we got home, I opened the back and he was shaking and sweating (it WAS 95 degrees anyway) and hopped out. But as he looked around, he knew he was back and he spied Bounce up on the hill so I just let him loose and he did his A-circuit hunter canter across the arena, thru a paddock and up to meet Bounce hollering the whole time. They were SO happy. Tonight I brought them up to eat and he had his ears up the whole time, nickering at me and coming back to his stall door every few minutes to know where I was. Later I gave him a bath (both boys got baths) and he relaxed and just knew that he was home. My one neighbor (who went with my others yesterday to drop him off and get their horses) called me today when she saw me leave with my trailer to go get him, and she said she was so torn up knowing what he’s been thru in the past 3 weeks—it was 3 weeks today I brought him home from Bowie—that he was so afraid of leaving and not knowing where he was going yesterday. That’s the way I’d felt too but it had to be done that way and now he’s back and he is for sure knowing that this is home. Just does my heart so good!!




Poor guy! He was probably afraid he was going somewhere bad. It’s so hard when you can’t explain things to them like you can with humans.


Oh gosh, my horse Yo was the same way when I would move him… Just thrilled to see his person show up at the next place.


This is all that needs to be said! Sending an extra nose kiss and cookie for Banjo!


My horse, who is 29 times Nosey’s age, happened to find a big inflatable beach ball that had blown onto the property from next door, and thought it was just the best toy ever. (Regretfully, it had to be returned to its children.) He feels she ought to have one, too. The big exercise balls meant for people to sit on will probably do just as well as anything that says “horse” on it.


He was.

but home last evening! (That’s SWAT around his eyes)


Awwww again!

I must admit that when I’m going to be out of town, I tell my animals ahead of time so they don’t worry about what happened to me. And I tell them when I expect to be back. Lol.


Look at his face! He was thrilled to be back home.


So much happening today! We learned how to go in the wash stall, respect the cross ties, get rinsed off, and the best part, drink from the hose! Good baby milestones.


Awwww. Look at those little baby teeth.


slurp slurp slurp!


Hind foot relaxed, she looks like she’s done it all her life! No biggie. I’m a big girl now!


Oh, drinking from the hose on a summer day is the bestest, isn’t it, Nosey? :smiley:


Wow that is a lot of learning all in a day! :smile: Guessing some hot weather made it all feel very good.

Is that a regular garden hose nozzle, or a special horse-proof one by chance? My hose-drinking late horse ruined a few nozzles, chomping on them for control, because the human just can’t get it right.

My current horse will not drink water from a bucket after a work, or in the wash stall. Hose only.

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Five weeks and a few days after arriving and I think Nosey is looking positively normal now.
Allllllllllllllll legs but at least she looks like a typical yearling. And she’s quite fastidious about keeping those socks clean! Good girl! :heart:


She looks amazing!

She is so lucky to have landed with you.