“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

I had a total knee replacement three months ago today and can tell you, with knees you can’t overdo during the rehab.
If you do more than you are told to do, you will have more swelling and that will slow down rehab and knee rehab is so long anyway.

Is best if you have your life lined up where you don’t have to see if you can push it.

Another surprise, other than how long it takes, will be that when you are despairing it will ever get better, one morning things just work, when the day before didn’t, as reported by everyone I talked to that had knee issues, so don’t get discouraged.


Agreed. That bay mare & filly look like they were well taken care for at least a while. They are both beautiful. Add me to the :crossed_fingers: list they got a good landing.


That’s a FANTASTIC way to get them a good home!

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That guy at Bowie who rides the TB mare, man he’s got a great seat! The mare canters off at a great clip from a fast trot, and his seat seems to stay glued to her back.


I’m impressed a guy would jump on a TB with those withers bareback.


She is a cutie. Not making excuses, but a lot of racehorses are bred as businesses commodities and in partnership. Things happen all the time like someone dies, someone goes bankrupt, whatever and the horses end up being dispersed to dissolve the business. It’s super unfortunate when horses get treated like other non-living assets because it makes it all too easy for them to end up places like Bowie. :cry:


You’re right. That’s why mine all have instructions in my will so if I drop dead my DH doesn’t have to wonder about what to do with them. Which reminds me I need to add Nosey. Any aunties want to be my yearling beneficiary?


Send her to me, my cynical old Irish horse will raise her. You can send Henry right along too. He wants to be my mother’s horse. He told me.


This is what I thought too! Yow. And then trot and canter on that bony spine.

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She has breathing issues, i think. Look at her effort on exhaling and her flared nostrils.

There‘s also a tb in his mid teens on there now who allegedly came from a family who used him for jumping, if anyone was interested in looking

This guy? He looks like a lot of fun, if my oldies were not giving Methuselah a run for his money, I would probably snag him.



Seems like such a sweet boy!

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Was talking about the grey originally before spotting him, both seem really sweet and I hope they land in a good place :crossed_fingers:


Just checking in hoping for another weekly update pic (or, let’s be honest, any pic of Nosey - I’m not…picky :rofl: - I’ll show myself out)


AI captions. “Bootie Texas”. :smile:


Get her out of TX?
One wonder if the heat/humidity isn’t helping?
Then again, it’s now hot/humid everywhere.

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Oh for sure it doesn’t help. I am just noticing the issue.

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I think when you have had a horse with COPD you are really sensitive to this issue and can recognize it pretty easily. After my COPD pony I sure do.


Bingo. That face said I can’t breathe. I know it far too well.

Chippy waiting on the drugs to kick in.

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