“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

True but there is always that exception LOL. Someone in my Podunk town found a stray intact Cornish Rex! No one ever claimed him. They had him neutered and as I was doing it I thought I wonder if this cats breeder would have liked to have him back! He seemed like a quality cat but what do I know? Maybe he was only pet quality. His name was Padre because he was found near the Catholic Union building. Weirdest thing I’ve seen. Who doesn’t report a lost cat that they paid a fair chunk of money for?


Almost all McDonald’s and Dairy Queens in the same towns will use the same mix from local/regional dairies. Maybe McDonald’s has theirs made with a proprietary vanilla? I didn’t think they did but they may. I do know that our vanilla mix is identical to that of the local Dairy Queens.
I wonder if it is the sanitizer they use to clean the machines?
Nevertheless I wouldn’t recommend you start eating it again! Just musing as to reasons since it is in my wheelhouse!
Also I don’t have soft serve ice cream anywhere else but my shop…because I know we clean the machines properly!
Good grief the questions I see asked on the Ice Cream owners FB pages. People are set to open in a week and our asking about how to clean machines and where to get their ice cream and a bunch of stuff we researched and learned MONTHS before we even bought our first machines. People are nuts.


I assumed (maybe wrongly) that McDonalds used a mix that was not locally produced, I thought they used the powder mix stuff.


It was only after I read some random listicle online about secrets from fast food workers or something similar that I put it together that I often felt unwell after getting any sort of milkshake type product from McDonald’s.

It had happened a few times, but I just never made the connection until then. Lol.

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You ought to see the side eye I give machines in other establishments. LOL.
I want to pull the overrun trays and see if they need seals replaced on the shafts. IT IS SO HARD NOT TO PEAK.
I have a problem!


I would have too. I suppose some could but I always thought that McDonalds was pretty strict with what their franchisees can and cannot use.

We’ve had some fairly exotic rescue cats. Mostly you find they’ve been dumped because they pee on the furniture…

We did have one spectacular Siamese who was dropped off at the shelter because his owners got divorced. He was a delightful old gentleman. No bad habits and just so happy to have a quiet home.

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I will say that I’ve never had a problem with an ice cream cone from McDonald’s. Just the milkshake type products, which I stopped buying after I had that lightbulb go on over my head.

That sort of made me wonder if the ice cream machines are a lot easier to clean. Even though they seem to be out of order quite regularly.

In my opinion our shake machines are easier. I know the ice cream machines at McDonald are Taylors not sure about the shake ones. And they may have some new design on them too. I think the shakes taste like they might be a powder mix. Or at least they did. I haven’t been inside a McDonald’s for years! I did eat at one last week but I drove through. So that should do me for another year or two. I was tempted by the retro glasses but they were out of them and I was stuck in the drive thru and had to order!

Any mcDs mcflurry does it, DQ never does.
It’s my on the road comfort food (when my dad was unwell and dying and leaving my kids at college) so not just at one area.

I have a flame-point Himalayan cat who was found by my friend’s mother wandering in the woods 3 miles from anywhere. He came up to her porch and began to perform an opera. She opened the door, he marched in and sat on the sofa. She called all the vets and rescues, put up signs, scanned him for a chip, nothing. No takers. She already had 14 cats (only 7 were hers) and that was enough cats so now I have Alfie. My vet didn’t believe me when I told her where he came from.

Also, we have a Finnish Lapphund dog who was picked up by WV Animal Control. Found running loose by the side of the highway.

I don’t understand people, but I’m very fond of my cats and my dog.


They must have a proprietary mix then. I’m going to ask my milk guy on Thursday!

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Years ago there was a Siamese cat running loose at my apartment complex in Pennsylvania. I put out food and finally caught her. Poor thing had been declawed front and back. I put up a sign and a man called me and said it was his mother’s cat and she didn’t want it anymore so they let it outside! I couldn’t keep her, but I did find a home for her. I couldn’t believe that someone could be so cruel.


Light bulb moment!

I only ever had 1 milkshake per year: a Shamrock shake from McD. Had tummy troubles after each and every one, and thought it was the food colouring. Now I know why :nauseated_face:, and so glad I didn’t grab 1 this year. And now never will again!


OMG, I would kill for a Finnish Lapphund! My first dog was a Norwegian Elkhound and Lapphunds are even cuter. But not everyone can get along well with a spitz.

We had a Norwegian Elkhound long ago.
She was a great ranch dog and had fine herding instrincts, that added to a very smart dog at times made situations hard.

She figured on her own I was walking in the weaner pen with my hands full feeding alfalfa bales and had to also watch the gate.
She made herself the gate keeper and never a calf got out, I just came and went without needing to close the gate.

When moving from wheat pasture to another, we generally used certain gates.
This one time we used another gate.
Dog saw that hole in the fence where there was not supposed to be one and kept every heifer from going thru.
We sighted and kept on down the fence to the next gate, that she helped us drive them thru nicely.

Once checking cattle in some deep brush she came running to us with a doe chasing her madder than a hornet! The doe rolled her a few times and then ran off.
That doe’s hoof cut thru her back from shoulder to shoulder, vet said like a scalpel, took 40 stitches to close it.

She was my first obedience training dog and, well, they are not that good at that, especially for a beginner.
My next dog was an Aussie, they live to work with you exactly as you wish, no division of labors, they are your slave.

When we took her to the vet as a puppy for her first shots, the vet looked at what we were bringing in and said, oh, really, one of those pain in the a-- dogs?
Seems that they don’t have the best reputation with vets? :rofl:


@2bayboys, how are you doing?

When you are up to it, can we please have some more adorable Nosey photos?


She sounds wonderful! Mine was crazy smart, too. She was my hiking, bicycling, and riding pal. Once I hit a pheasant with my car, and it made a noise like a gunshot. I stopped and jumped out to look for the pheasant, and Lishka took off like a rocket, came back with the bird, laid it at my feet, and sat down. I never taught her to do that!


@trubandloki Called up for breakfast this morning… :racehorse:


She looks so amazing!
Thank you for sharing her with us!