
I really don’t want ANY notifications when someone responds to a thread I replied to … yet there is no way to opt out of all notifications. I’ll revisit the thread if I like - no sense filling my inbox with notifications. Can this be added?

I think we’re already there. Uncheck everything on the notifications tab on your profile, and unsubscribe from every recent post. That will = no notifications.

If you’re just looking to get no notifications about people posting to threads you’ve also posted to, then unsubscribe from everything recent. It’s a bit of a PITA, but a self limiting problem, as the new default is not to subscribe to threads you post to, where the old default is to subscribe to all threads you’ve posted to. I unsubscribed to everything from this year and have only gotten one “someone has posted to a thread you’re subscribed to” notification, generated from an old thread.

I’m not getting the notifications that I have checked. I know I’ve been quoted and having a notification sent for quoting is an option I marked, but I did not get a notification.

Also, I have the subscribe to topics if I post in them UNchecked… but I still get notifications for them anyways.

Are you getting notifications for new to you threads (since the upgrade) or old ones? The old default was to subscribe to everything you responded to. New default is to not. So…lots of notifications on old threads, unless you go unsubscribe.

I never subscribed to anything before and never got notifications on the previous version of the site, so I believe these are all new. I have gone to unsubscribe on everything… even though I unchecked the subscribe when I post option. Maybe the new version auto resubscribed me to everything? I’m not sure.

–EDIT-- found my subscription list and it DID subscribe me to every post I’ve posted on before. I never got notices before, so it looks like it just opened up notifications for everything. 570 subscriptions and I don’t see an “unsubscribe all” link. That would be VERY helpful right now.

I did just get the notification that you quoted me so that part seems to be working right now!

Just noticed that the mod posted this, rockon :slight_smile:

Same as rockonxox - I unsubscribed to everything for the last 2 months and now, yippee, got the 1 notification that I’d been quoted and no notifications on replies to topics that I’d inadvertently subscribed to :smiley:

Awesome, thank you!

In the old system you could go to User CP and see what subscribed threads had new posts, so not a notification, exactly, but still a way to see what was new in the realm of what you’d already posted on. That was always my start to browsing here.

Here, I’d just like to have notifications either :

  • look different - the old way, they went from bold to not bold once viewed - or
  • simply disappear once viewed - he old way, sometimes they disappeared off the list right away, sometimes it took some time, but at least they always changed font

and preferably both, so we don’t have to manually dismiss them all the time.

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There is supposed to be differentiation of read and unread notifications from what I found on the software website, so I have an inquiry into our developers to look into it.


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Mod1, I don’t use “notifications” (ATM) for other than topics where I am quoted. I am hoping the behavior JB mentioned comes back. Bold/unbold on the topic name based on Marked Channel As Read (I think would be the current ‘model’).

The click to go to the next unread post is working fine… but I have to look at the last post date on a topic to try to figure out if I’ve already “seen” that topic based on the Marked As Read :slight_smile: (make sense).

I got excited when I came back this afternoon. I started with 10 notifications, and after reviewing the first one, it dropped to 9 and that one had disappeared from the list altogether, which is PERFECT.

However, after that one, it went back to not doing anything LOL

Hopefully that little bit of behavior helps determine what’s going on with it.

Does having your setting on latest Activity effect getting notifications?? because i’m not getting them or get 1 then not any more.Don’t always go back to check threads i’ve posted in,have been on this forum but not on other parts of forums.