I have been part of a thread that has continued for over a year. I no longer get notifications for new posts. I have checked to be sure “notifications” is on, which it is, and a reconfirmed I want to be notified, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
Are you subscribed to the thread? I see you have a lot of active subscriptions…I wonder if there’s a limit?
Mod 1 might need to know the specific thread to troubleshoot
The thread is in Off Topic, What are you Reading Now. Although over the years I have subscribed to quite a few threads, I think I’m only subscribed in a couple of threads on the racing forum and the one I have been dropped from, the reading thread. If I’m subscribed to too many, I can drop almost all of them.
I don’t think there’s a limit. I can delete all your subscriptions en masse if you want to start fresh (I can’t remove subscriptions selectively).
Are you no longer receiving email notifications or notifications through the notifications list/menu at the top of the screen?
Can you post a link to the thread?
This is the thread: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/forum/off-topic/off-topic-aa/251222-a-new-what-are-you-reading-thread I have had a subscription to it for a long time, but recently I stopped getting notifications for it. I’m actively subscribed to two racing topics, but any others I’m subscribed to probably happened before the change in software COTH made. If needed, go ahead and delete my threads if it will help.
There may be something bigger going on with your subscription notifications… Those are visible to anyone (profile, subscriptions) and you have 10+ with current posts. Close to 30 with posts in May. Are you getting your notifications for all those?
I looked at the subscriptions and they are mine. I know that if I don’t visit the topic again after receiving an email notice, I won’t be notified anymore, so if I"m not interested I ignore it. If those threads are going on I’m not receiving a notice, but it is because I don’t care to follow the topic. However, reading thread isn’t in my list of subscribed topics, which is puzzling. I follow it but I don’t comment much, which could be the reason, but I don’t comment much on the racing topics and they are there. I am now visiting the reading thread every day because it is active, but I still don’t get a notice even after visiting.
The reading thread is there—third from the top right now. Sort by last activity.
Had no idea that if you don’t visit a thread after receiving a “someone has posted on your subscription” notification you stop receiving notifications about that. Interesting! Good info to have :yes:
You might try deleting some of your subscriptions to see if that solves the problem
I’ll try that. Thanks
I cleared out your subscriptions to give you a clean slate. Let us know how things go after you resubscribe to the threads you want to follow.
Thank you; I’ll give it a go.