Now guess who's back with a brand new track???

Ok, this post is a bit late in coming, but it’s been a busy week.

Went back up to OHSU last Tuesday and saw my specialist. I told him how well things were going for me in general - I still have moments and the very occasional whole day where I still feel the effects, but on the whole I’ve found my new normal. Not the same old self I was…still need to sleep a bit more, take more time doing cognitive things, and in general take better care of myself, but when I do this I have that same energy I had before the fall and for the very large part, I don’t feel cognitively impaired. Maybe it’s just that I can’t remember what it was like to be unimpaired and I’m doing so well that I’ve learned to function with what I’ve got and I’ve established some new pathways…I think this is probably more of what’s going on, but that’s okay with me! I’ve been working with a speech-language pathologist who is fantastic and she is really helping me overcome the language/speed of processing and attention deficits, which are what I feel most right now. However, memory was completely normal according to the standardized test we did - woohoo!

Physically I’ve been doing great as well - my back continues to put itself back together a bit more each day. The body’s ability to heal itself is amazing! I’ve been more active with school and responsibilities around the barn and life in general, and I’ve been holding up well.

So I told my doctor all this and we agreed that it was time to do a neuropsych retest. Well, I improved A LOT!!! Not a 100% improvement (who knows if that will ever come), but very dramatic improvement compared to last time. So I was released to resume physical activity, starting very slow and building gradually from there. I started with just a few miles of light running, but it took my body a couple of days to adjust from pretty much complete rest to actually working again. I had one or two episodes of Post-Concussion Syndrome relapse during the last week, but I’ve been increasing exercise and remaining symptom free for the last four days. I trotted and cantered on my Saint of a Therapy Horse for the first time on Friday, and I did it again today. It felt great! I’m HORRIBLY out of shape with no muscle strength, but in the saddle is where I belong! In fact, things are going so well that I’ve decided to run a sprint triathlon in April and a marathon in June. I’m very excited to be working back into fitness, in case you can’t tell :smiley: And I’m even more excited to start real riding again tomorrow - after today I’ve decided that I’ve graduated from bareback playing around to actually working towards real dressage again, and jumping as soon as my trainer and I think I’m ready (doctor says that I can start jumping as soon as I can ride competently on the flat with no symptoms) :D:D:D

School is crazy busy right now - only four weeks of classes before finals and I’ve got plenty of work to do between now and then. Someone gave me the bright idea of doing a senior research project…WAAAAYY more work than I originally thought! But definitely worth it for what I’m learning - it’s a great opportunity!

So all in all, things are going GREAT!! I’ve learned so much and grown so much as a person and an adult because of this injury - not that I’m glad that it happened, but there is definitely a thick silver lining to this cloud - something I’ve learned to look for :slight_smile: There has been much good to come about in my life that is directly related to the fall. I’ve even realized that I want to go to medical school rather than vet school…I want to help people like all my amazing doctors have helped me. I would really like to work with disabled children and really make a difference in their lives. Until then, I’ve been given many opportunities to educate children and the public about the importance of safety and the dangers of head injuries in equestrian sports - this has kind of become my soapbox. I don’t want anyone to have to experience a TBI or PCS, so I’m going to educate as much as I can and push for legislation mandating helmets for youth.

Now it’s my turn to help you all just like you helped me through this injury - my new normal might include managing chronic conditions and living a bit slower, but the important thing is that I’ve finally found my new normal. And you know what? I think I like it.

Beaming for you!

Aww claps Very happy for you! And jingles for continuing healing!


Those are grand news, how wonderful.
All that hard work is paying for you, even jumping is in the cards, that is awesome.:cool:

So, so happy for you! Your goals are humbling and your mindset is admirable. Here’s wishing you the best of everything!

Awesome!! You demonstrate exactly why horsewomen are the epitome of strength of character. Our horses force us to keep on keeping on, our drive to get back in the saddle is a force our doctors sometimes don’t understand. Have fun, be safe, and go for it! (oh, and go Beavers!)

Fantastic news. :smiley:

Thanks everyone! It certainly feels good to be doing what I love. I have my first PT appointment today, so I’m excited to know where I stand and what to do to get back into the best shape ever! I had my first real ride on Tuesday, with a saddle and trotting and cantering and everything! I definitely felt very weak and discombobulated, but it also felt natural to be doing something so familiar. Right now I’m using a dressage whip in each hand and lots and lots of seat and upper thigh aids to compensate for no lower leg strength, but trying not to become dependent on my whips.

I just can’t thank you all enough for helping me through this. I’m not 100% out of the woods yet, but I’m out of the Forbidden Forest and I can see the clearing ahead. I couldn’t have made it without your strength, support, and wisdom. Your stories and experiences kept me going through some very tough times. I only hope that I can do for you all a small part of what you did for me.

And Calvincrowe, thanks - the Beavers are going to need all the help they can get the rest of this season, now that they’ve destroyed their hopes of the Rose Bowl. A bunch of my friends are going to get tickets for the Civil War, but I’m still up in the air about it - I’m not sure I want to watch the slaughtering that I know it will entail :cry:

Thank you so much for sharing your update. It is very encouraging and inspirational to read here.

Keep up the positive energy and spread it every where you go…

You are an inspiration to all!

Thanks for sharing, Vegas Sky. I’m thrilled with your progress, and more importantly, your change in attitude is inspirational! Not everyone can meet a tough situation head-on, figure out what really needs to be done, and then work hard to accomplish it. You’re getting all A’s.