Now training again after suffering from neurological lymes in 4 years!

So after dealing with advanced lymes these last four years I am now back to training horses, riding my own prospects, and giving lessons.

I thought I was never going to ride again, atleast to the extent that I did before. I had little to no feeling and strength in my hands, legs, and feet. Got vertigo when on the horse, would black out, get physically sick if I tried to bop around on a horse for more then a few min, couldn’t drive a car for some time, and that is not even the extent of it.

Right now I am doing well though I now have quite a bit of pain, advanced arthritis in my hands, knees, back, etc. But I can deal with that as long as I can ride.

For the first time in years I am now able to hope to show again.

Now if only I had feeling in all parts of my left foot and ankle (say it with me, if you have a horse fall on you and your foot is pointed backwards it is a bad thing:lol:)


If I could stick both thumbs up, you would get 2 thumbs up from me. I’m so happy for you. You truly are an inspiration. It’s great to know that neuro problems can indeed get better enough to enable a person to do all you are doing. I’m so happy a fellow neuro person is making such great strides.

With such an understanding of how illness affects a person, I bet you will be a better trainer then ever. Good luck. I’ll be rooting for you :slight_smile:

Wow that is great. Keep the positive outlook.

Thank you both. And if you ever want to watch a really inspirational movie watch Champions. Story of Bob Champion who had cancer and the steeplechase horse Aldini who bowed his tendons. True story. Have tissues on hand.

By the way Invite how are you feeling? Glad to see you posting again : )

And really glad to see this added to the forum (ok only took me until now to notice the added link, I tend to not notice new things) I am sending it to my friend who like the rest of us has physical issues.

Thanks for asking. I am feeling much better, but I am not yet back to where I was. I guess time heals all.

Now that you are training and giving lessons, you had best post your contact info on the trainers for paras thread I started. I’m sure your experiences have given you major empathy and you will be awesome with people who are not 100%!

I will go do that right now. I know that when I had people coming to see some horses I had for sale when I was at my worst their trainers pretty much snickered at how I would have to ride, and heard comments from some people saying “boy has her riding gotten bad!” they couldn’t understand that I had to compensate for certain things.