Nowadays how do you subscibe to threads??

After I go to thread tools I see a box that I THINK is the one to click on to subscribe to the thread but box is mostly covered by an ad, usually smartpak, and box appears to be inactive.
What to do…what to do?

Are you using Internet Explorer v.9 to view the site and have the compatibility view icon clicked? If so, please turn it off and see if that helps fix the formatting issues.

If not, what browser are you using?

You can subscribe to a thread by selecting “subscribe to this thread” from the “thread tools” drop-down menu in the gray bar at the top of the thread. You can also subscribe to a thread while you’re posting a reply on it by checking the “subscribe to this thread” box in the “additional options” box under your message composition box.

Mod 1

Thank you!!

Much appreciated. I’m using explorer 8 but clicking the compatibility button fixed it. :slight_smile: