I am writing this kind of at my wits end trying to figure out how to keep my horse sound. For background info he is a 2008 appendix gelding, used for eventing (training lvl) most his life, I’ve owned him almost 5 years. In that time he’s been a super easy horse to have. June '24 I noticed a general crankiness under saddle and unwilling to move forward so had vet out and ultrasound showed bilateral proximal suspensory desmitis, mild in left hind, moderate in right hind. Off any work but kept on normal 24/7 turnout for about 4 months until scanned clear and ready to return to work. Working with a PT for his rehab along with vet.
Then, around thanksgiving, he came up footsore in both front feet. Vet thinks lowgrade lami and xrays showed 5mm of sole. Yikes. Put pads and hind shoes on which helped for maybe a month or two but he’s just not quite right still. I’ve never been happy with his feet, he’s got quite small and narrow feet, always walking on his toes, and a very compacted heel.
And because he’s a horse and for some reason wants to check off all the boxes at the vets, was diagnosed with both cushings and IR this past month. Started him on pergolide a few weeks ago.
Anyways, I just feel like he’s not quite right even after everything we’ve done. I have a feeling that metal shoes are not helpful, but I don’t think my farrier will be supportive of trying the barefoot/glueon route. Where he lives is mud up to his ankles much of the year which is not helping his feet, but I can’t move him anywhere dry. I’m just at my wits end of almost a year of trying to get him ‘right’ but I don’t know where to go from now.
If anyone has experienced this before or has any advice it would be much appreciated!