Numbness in my toes when riding?

I am coming back from a back break (August 2012)
And I am pretty much in full swing already. I get a bit of Hip and knee pain (only on the right side of my body) but its not too bad.

Lately I’ve noticed when I’m riding that my middle and second to last toe on my right foot go numb whenever I ride. I’m not sure if this is actually nerve issues or if maybe I need to switch stirrups?

Anyone else had issues like this before?

Wow, I’m really curious if you get any answers to this. I took about 6 weeks off from riding while I was horseless, and since getting back in the saddle the same thing has been happening to me!

At first I thought it was just my tall boots, so I switched to my paddocks and half chaps and the same thing happens. It’s never my left foot, only the right.

I’m having similar issues since I broke 2 toes 3 years ago and they did not heal correctly. Terrible numbness when riding in my right foot only, starts at the 3rd toe and radiates along the ball of my foot. It is quite painful by the end of my 45-60 min rides. I ride in the original Sprenger System 4 stirrups and notice a significant increase in the numbness when I occasionally ride a friend’s horse using her tack which includes non-jointed stirrups.

I have pernicious anemia, and can’t digest vitamin B-12, and one of the first symptoms was that my toes would go numb. At first it was most noticeable in one foot while riding, but it got progressively worse. So it might be worth having your B-12 levels checked. It’s kind of a long shot, but it’s something that’s easy to test for, and easy to treat.

Thanks guys for the advice! I’m scheduling an appointment with my neurosurgeon soon.

LuvMyRide - That is interesting because I just had about 6 weeks off due to my horse being injured - I didn’t notice the toe numbness until I’ve started riding him again! :s

foot numbness can be as simple as the circulation being cut off from the knee/ankle joints. when I was getting back into riding after 2 years off, the ball of my foot/toes went completely numb every time! my trainer has spent the past year trying to release the pressure of my locked ankles/knees because when they lock up, everything goes numb. so just have someone knowledgeable about “hip/knee/ankle weight transfer and shock absorbtion” watch you. I am so happy that my problem was that simple, because when my toes do go numb, I can recognize the problem, and realize that all of my joints are locking up.

My numbness in my toes and feet when I ride a horse or a bike is do to pressure on the nerves in my back. I have permanent numbness in my feet but not all over, and I can tell a difference when I am riding. Somehow the way I sit on a horse causes pressure on the nerve and makes my toes go numb. I have had back surgery and I have herniated discs.

This is some great advice - thank you! I’ll have to go see my back doctor to see if there is anything going on with my back.