I live in Manhattan and am looking for a full service show circuit program either in CT or NY. I’m willing to go up 60-90mins (driving or train) for the right situation. I need a reputable program, someone who goes to WEF and Indoors, preferably a good amount of hunters with good results but fine with a mix of jumper/eq also! I’ve heard good things about Val at Findlay’s Ridge, but also that her property is on the smaller side? Heard good things about Grafton Ridge as well, but then that they really specialize in the ponies…Anyone have any good recommendations, maybe around North/South Salem or Greenwich? Edit: I have two of my own horses and show in the A/Os!
Are you planning on lessoning on lesson horses or getting your own horse?
Can you ask whoever you were riding with back in ‘22 for help? And, as has been asked upthread, do you have a horse currently, looking to lease one ASAP or want to ride a barn/school horse? That very much affects what barns we can recommend.
Andre Dignelli is in Bedford, isn’t that about an hour (driving or Metro North) from Manhattan? I used to go to Bedford quite a bit at one time but that was many years ago so traffic has probably increased.
And does anyone know what happened to Judy Richter’s farm, also in Bedford? Did her son take it over since she passed? She had 100 acres IIRC - in Bedford that is a fortune!
Old Salem Farm is in North Salem I think. Wasn’t Val Relihan at Old Salem at one time?
Since OP asked for full service and a program that goes to WEF and indoors I was assuming they would own or want to lease an appropriate mount. It never occurred to me they might want a school horse.
I have two horses that I own!
I own two horses and show in the A/O hunters. I did ask them, they made the recommendations in the post, but are on the west coast so I wanted to hear some other thoughts as well
Val is awesome and runs a great program. They are in Florida for the winter and then not at home a ton over the summer/fall. I’m not sure how much you want to show, but would take into consideration whether a program that is consistently at shows half of the month (or more) would be a dealbreaker.
@BAC, Coker still exists and last I heard there were trainers renting stalls and operating their programs out of there. I’m just not sure who!
Brookwood Stables (Peter Patch) might check a lot of your boxes
Beyaert Farm is mostly jumpers, but does have some hunters. They are in North Salem (right down the road from Findlay’s Ridge)
I’m so glad to hear there are still horses at Coker, I was afraid it would turn into McMansions.
I remember when Judy used to have an old retired pony or two that would wander loose around the property. So it felt like there was a four legged welcome committee when you came up the driveway.
Untrue, but ok. Heritage is in Katonah.
Judy Richter sadly passed away in 2022 so hope you’re not planning on riding with her… variety of programs at Coker now but not sure who or what their schedule is like.
Give Christine Meister a call. For years she had River Run Farm but recently sold it to focus on a more boutique program. Incredible horsewoman and trainer, I trained with her and left my horse in her full-time care periodically while traveling, at school, etc and he was never better. Christine is the kindest and most honest trainer I know and you’ll get a focused/personal program with happy horses. She goes to all the shows, knows everyone, and is a hunter whisperer. DM me for her email/number, she is getting back from WEF soon and I believe will be working out of a farm in Bedford.
Have you looked at Arcadia Farm in Yorktown Hts, run by Patty Peckham and Molly Flaherty?
They are currently at Wellington, but will be back north sometime in the next couple of weeks.
I have known Patty since 1966, when we were both about 12, and she is the best rider I know. She also has a very good reputation as a trainer, puts the horses’ welfare first, and has a very positive attitude to EVERYTHING (even when life throws crap at her). It is a big, beautiful farm.
WRT some of the other farms mentioned-
My sister rode at what-is-now-called Heritage Farm in Katonah when it was Primrose Farm.
I went to school with the eldest daughter of the family that owned what-is-now-called Coker Farm, when it was Running Fox Farm. The owner was Harry Gibson, and EVERYONE called him “Uncle Harry”. His (step) daughters were all named Smith, and I think there were abour 7 of them. My mother taught at the school they went to, and every time they went on a class trip = the Boat Trip Around Manhattan - Uncle Harry would send along a thermos of Bloody Marys for the teacher.
Anyway, we had Pony Club meetings and Horse Shows there, and we practiced there for a musical ride with the very first Icelandic Horses imported to the US. LOTS of brass and marble in the stalls. It was primarily a TB breeding and racing farm, but Uncle Harry was also the MFH of Goldens Bridge Hounds. He was somehow connected to the artist who created the “Gibson girls”.
Wow! Thanks for the history lesson on Coker!
The Arcadia Farm property in Yorktown Heights is beautiful. Big indoor, big outdoor, huge stalls, lots of nice paddocks.
The farm where they go for the winter in Wellington is also very nice, and it is quite close to the horse show, so it’s easy to get back and forth as needed.
To tie them together, When Patty first started her own training business, she leased stalls from Judy at what was by then Coker Farm.
I remember.
We drove there one time with a customer to look at a horse. And when we got to Coker and got out of the car and the lady went to grab her boots out of the trunk, she realized that there was the sleeve of a coat hanging out of the trunk the whole way there.
So the people behind her on the highway probably thought she had a dead body in the car. Lol.
Tracy Freels/ Hannah Isop
Brooke Baldwin
+1 for Brooke. She is an incredible trainer and rider.
Is there a reason you’re only considering CT or NY? I’ve lived in the city for 15 years and have ridden almost exclusively in NJ. It’s exponentially cheaper than NY and, depending on where you are in Manhattan, easier to get to. No shortage of quality programs.
Remember that someone like Val is on the road much of the year. How much do you want to ride at home? How much are you prepared to show? All important things to consider.