NYT article: Dead Athletes. Empty Stands. Why Are We Paying Billions to Keep This Sport Alive?

The comment section is worth reading as well as the guest essay. Gift link to article:


That article was one man’s opinion. This article has the true facts and figures.



I read maybe 3 or 4 of the comments and saw nothing you don’t see in any other comments section online. Is there something revolutionary in there?

Personally I felt like this was a lot of the same old debate with the typical sensational flair. :woman_shrugging:

There are valid questions and criticisms in the article. The argument I most agree with is that racing in general has been slow to adapt to the times, relying on quick fixes like slots to prop it up instead of maintaining relevance in zeitgeist. Why are taxpayers expected to fund an antiquated model?

But I also think all you have to do is go to Keeneland on a Saturday to understand why this sport deserves to persist.



Sidebar: I was privileged to be at Keeneland for the 2022 Breeders’ Cup (Flightline) thanks to a gift from a friend. I had an amazing time sitting in a chalet with high rollers right at the quarter pole. We could take our drinks right down to the rail - and Flightline paused right in front of us and gave us a haughty stare as they were warming up. So very close. If I do a freeze frame on the Classic replay, I can pick me out at the rail…

The Very Rich people I was sitting with listened to me earlier that afternoon when Caravel was warming up (and looking amazing) for the Turf Sprint… me, the barn rat who was there all by herself making occasional $2 bets. Just enjoying the experience… some wine… the horses. I said something along the lines of "Hey guys - there is NO way that mare should be going off at that price - I do not get why the bettors are ignoring her - but bet her at those odds!! Seriously!!! Caravel #10. WPS. Emaraaty Ana #3 P. Exacta 10-3. I got in line at our private teller and parted with my $2 bets.

Yes, I remember it well. Caravel won wire to wire. She paid me just under $90.00 for the win… and a helluva lot more for my table friends who were betting $500 at times. Emaraaty Ana was about $20 for the Place. The exacta was $880 or so. And with that, I went back to not betting and just enjoying - and re-explaining the racing form to my new $$$$ friend from Minnesota who now thought I was a genius… until the Classic. I bet $5 to win on Flightline - not to cash out but just to keep the ticket.

Anyway… I came home with wonderful memories, pictures and a couple of Keeneland hoodies. I usually wear one when I volunteer at the therapeutic riding center… and one evening a new volunteer said, "have you actually been there - to Keeneland?!" He said it the way some say “Disneyland”. I said yes - and he was so excited and wanted to hear all about it… it meant that much to a guy who likely would never get there (but then, I never expected to get there either). That says something.


That ^ was the end of a spectacular day…


Keeneland is some kind of beautiful. The brick with the tree lined walkway for the horses. So different from Hollywood Park :slightly_smiling_face:

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I will say the piece was better written than I thought it would be. It got plenty significantly wrong but did at least attempt to give alternative views. I get so tired of horse death just given as numbers with no explanation or correlation to events.