Ocala sights?

What would be fun to see and do in Ocala besides the horse show locations?

I’m vaguely aware of OBS. Is there a place to go watch the sale prospects work in the morning with absolutely zero intent to buy anything? Any other fun suggestions?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

You can certainly go to OBS and watch the sales horses breeze whether you want to buy or not. However the horses are only on the sales grounds for a limited time pre-sale. The next OBS sale takes place March 15-16, with the under tack show March 10-12.

Here’s their website with a calendar of this year’s events; OBS Sales | Premier Thoroughbred sales venue in Ocala, Florida providing major Thoroughbred sales events and Thoroughbred race simulcasting.

I highly recommend you check out the wintering Manatees in one of the springs nears Ocala.
Here’s some info to help you find the areas.
It’s definitely worthwhile if you’re in the area as there’s so few areas of the world where you
can view and sometimes interact with these gentle giants.


Silver Springs is worth a visit if you haven’t been before.

I second a manatee excursion!

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Great advice about manatees.

OP, watch out for the monkeys at Silver Springs, lol. You can rent a kayak or canoe there. Call ahead.

One of the Rescue/Rehab/Support organizations has just started advertising an “ adopt a Manatee” campaign. Its not expensive, you get a certificate with its name, bio and a real photo of the physical Manatee. VERY reputable organization. Super Valentines gift, kids will love it and the money is needed and very well used ( like obtaining and replanting submerged grasses destroyed by fertilizer run off).

This is, like, the third time in the 20 years on here I have advocated for a rescue group. Its a very worth while cause. Google Adopt a Manatee for details.

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